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As Kix nears the site of the explosion the smoke only thickens. He passes frantic beings as they scramble to safety and continues towards the source of the dark cloud

Just as he's about to call out in search of anyone near the combusted ship, a cry sounds from behind him. The medic whips around and searches through the dense smoke for the individual who sounds like they're in pain. He makes out a shadowy figure lain on the hard ground and crouches beside them.

"Where are you hurt?" He asks, searching through his makeshift first aid kit before even glancing at the patient.

"You?" The winded voice asks, coughing from the smoke around them.

Kix lifts his head to finally meet the eyes of the patient and his heart almost stops.

"What are you doing here?" Calista asks. Realization dawns on her and her eyes widen. "Is Sidon here too? They're looking for me?" She tries to push herself up again and bites back another cry.

"Don't move, you could make your injuries worse." Kix says, gently laying her back down. "They needed to refuel, apparently someone siphoned all of the reserves."

Calista looks away from his intense gaze. "Well it was all for nothing. That big pile of hot metal used to be my ship." She explains.

Kix glances back at the destroyed ship as Calista coughs again. "I need to get you inside. All of this smoke inhalation isn't-"

"I can take care of myself. I don't need the help of Sidon's errand boys." She cuts him off, trying—and failing—to push herself up again.

Kix watches as she sighs in defeat after trying a few more times, clenching her jaw to fight the sharp pain in her back. "If you're done." He says, leaning over to scoop her up in his arms.

He carries her into the castle and lays her across a table. Clearly she seems to have injured her back; most likely by landing on it from the blast of the explosion. His hands move carefully as he assesses her injuries, not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already is.

"Sidon doesn't know that you're here." He speaks up as he tenderly runs his fingers across her back. Calista inhales sharply as Kix touches the small of her back and he pulls his hand away to rummage through his small bag of borrowed supplies. "I used to be a medic." He changes the topic of conversation as he opens a container of topical numbing ointment. "I've handled much worse than this in the GAR."

Once Kix is done applying the ointment, he approaches the bar. Calista turns her head to glance at the clone as he speaks to the bartender. He grabs something from the man and turns back to his patient, causing Calista to quickly look away as they make eye contact.

A cold sensation spreads across her lower back and she inhales sharply as she sits further upright. Her eyes meet Kix's once again and he smiles sympathetically.

"Aside from the cuts and scrapes from the impact, it looks like you've just got some internal bruising." He explains. "Ice and lots of rest should do the trick."

Calista nods as he helps her off of the table. Kix's hand lingers on her waist—which is exposed thanks to her cropped shirt—for a moment too long, causing Calista to turn a deep shade of red. He then pulls his hand away but remains close enough to catch her if she stumbles.

"Thank you..." She looks up at the man as she drags her sentence.

"Kix!" He quickly introduces himself. "The name's Kix."

"Kix." Calista smiles softly.

He blushes slightly as he looks down. "I um.. I never caught your name either."

As Calista opens her mouth to introduce herself, Sidon barges into the castle in search of Kix. All eyes turn to the Crimson Corsair as he enters and he quickly spots the clone, along with his company.

"Calista." Sidon clenches his jaw as he approaches them. "Why am I not surprised that you're somehow involved in all this?"

"Long time no see, Si [pronounced: sigh]." Calista glares up at him. "Don't worry, I was just leaving."

Kix furrows his eyebrows as he turns to her. "Leaving? But I thought your ship was blown up?"

Calista sighs to herself as Sidon chuckles at the news.

"Looks like you won't be going anywhere for quite some time." The Captain mocks her. "Let's go trooper, we've got a schedule to keep."

Sidon turns to leave the building and Kix glances back at Calista.

"I'll be fine." She assures him with a small nod.

Kix returns the nod. "It was nice seeing you again, Calista."

A small smile pulls at the corner of her lips. "Likewise, Kix."

The two leave the castle and Calista takes a deep breath. If she doesn't get out of here soon, not only will she be stranded, but Bazine will find the relic and claim the bounty for herself.

Sidon may very well be her ticket out of here. But if she's going to smoothtalk her way into that, she'd better get a move on.

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