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The sun begins to set on Bakura and Kix starts to lose hope in ever finding Calista and Carina. As he slumps down against the side of the building, his foot kicks a rock across the paved ground. The rocks stops at another person's foot and Kix looks up to find that familiar red helmet.

"Sidon?" Kix pushes himself to his feet. "What... What are you doing here?"

"Quiggold picked up a distress signal and from the message, I had a feeling it was you." The pirate explains. "Friends taken. Stranded on Bakura. In need of transport." He recites the message.

Kix's cheeks redden in embarrassment. The last time he saw any of the pirates was when he betrayed them on Corellia. "Well it got you here, didn't it?" He points.

Sidon stifles a laugh under his helmet as he turns away. Kix watches as the pirate heads back towards the spaceport and Sidon glances back. "Aren't you coming?"

Kix grins and follows his former Captain back to the Meson Martinet, where he finds Quiggold and Reveth–now with a mechanical right arm where the appendage used to be. She nods at Kix, showing that she holds no contempt towards him, and he returns the curt gesture.

"Now, where exactly do you need transport to?" Sidon asks as the ramp closes.

"Oh, um.. I'm not really sure." Kix admits.

The three pirates turn from where they are, spread throughout the ship, to face Kix.

"You don't know?" Reveth asks.

Kix shifts awkwardly under their gazes. "Well, I.. I think the First Order has them but I don't know where they took them."

"The First Order?!" Quiggold exclaims.

"I knew Calista was bad news." Reveth scoffs.

Kix faces Sidon, whose expression is unreadable as always thanks to his helmet. "They were after me." Kix admits. "They know there's a living clone trooper. They took Calista and Carina but they wanted me." He explains. "It's my fault. I have to help them."

"Carina?" Reveth whispers to Quiggold, who shrugs in response.

Sidon sighs as he looks down at the man. "I can't promise that we'll find them." He says, causing Kix's heart to sink. "But perhaps we can let them find us."

The two members of the crew widen their eyes in shock and Kix's spirit lifts once again.

"Captain, are you sure you want to-"

"This is not our fight." Sidon cuts Quiggold off. "We'll stage a blackout. Once the First Order shows up they'll pull us in for inspection and likely let us go." He explains.

Kix eyes Sidon curiously. "Sounds like you've done this before."

"Once or twice... Just not with the First Order." The captain reveals.

They set out for the middle of the Unknown Regions before getting to work on disabling all power. A short time after the distress signal is broadcasted, a First Order Star Destroyer pulls out of hyperspace in front of the Meson Martinet.

Sidon hands Kix a blaster and nods as their plan rolls into motion. Kix quickly hides himself inside one of the large crates as Reveth handles the comms.

"Initiating tractor beam." The First Order officer speaks through the comms after confirming the passengers and cargo. "Prepare for hangar entry."

As the large pirate ship lands in the hangar bay, the pirates tuck their weapons away. "Showtime." Sidon speaks quietly just before the ramp lowers.

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