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"What species are we looking for, exactly?" Reeg asks, holding his blaster with both hands as they subtly force Calista through Coronet City.

Calista laughs to herself. She continues to examine people's behavior as they pass her by. The group of them walk by a Corellian Security officer just as he activates his comlink.

"All units keep an eye out for a young Pantoran girl. She's been reporting stalking around the Peace and Security station at odd hours of the day." He informs the other officers. "We're not sure who she's working with so be aware of any suspicious activity."

Calista smirks to herself as she makes a sharp left down a slim alley. The pirates break into a sprint to follow her, alerting the CorSec officer to some sort of commotion. He quickly reports the individuals to his coworkers before chasing after them. Kix, however, notices that the alleyway is a dead end and looks for another way around–knowing that Calista wouldn't corner herself in a situation like this.

"Calista!" Sidon shouts angrily as the Zeltron gracefully scales the wall at the end of the alley. She turns back to give him a snarky wink before jumping down the other side of the wall.

"Hands up! Don't resist!" The CorSec officer shouts, pointing his blaster at the group of pirates. Before he can get another word out, the hilt of a dagger hits him in the head. His currently-unconscious body falls to the ground as the crew turns to face Reveth, who only shrugs in response.

The group then turns to face Sidon, who's clearly infuriated despite his mask covering his face. "Find her."

Reveth and Quiggold take off in one direction as Reeg and Squeaky head in another. Sidon looks through the crowd for any sign of the clone trooper and huffs as he sets out in search of Calista.

With the CorSec now on high-alert, Calista does her best to calm her breathing–and the searing pain in her back–as she walks the streets of Corellia. Her eyes land on the Peace and Security building and her lips curve into a smirk.

As she approaches the side of the structure, a hand wraps around her wrist to pull her away from the building and into yet another alley. She quickly assumes a defensive position, but relaxes when her eyes meet Kix's.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Kix asks, glancing around the corner to find Reeg and Squeaky scouting the area.

"I have everything," she groans as she pushes herself away from the wall, "under control."

Kix gives her a disapproving look and she sighs.

"My target isn't a person." She admits, watching as one of Kix's eyebrows shoot up in curiosity. "It's a relic, and I know it's in there."

Kix sighs as he looks into her desperate eyes. He peeks his head out once more to watch as the Arcona and Gamorrean turn down another street, heading away from the Peace and Security building.

"We have an opening." He states, turning back to Calista. "But I'm not sure how long it'll last."

A shocked expression materializes on Calista's face as she looks up at the man in front of her. "Kix, I'm not asking you to help me." She assures him, not wanting to complicate his life further.

"You don't have to." He replies without a second thought. The medic reaches down to take her hand in his. "I'm with you."

Calista's heart leaps in her chest as she nods. "We'll have to sneak in through one of the emergency window wells. Once we're in, it should be a straight shot to the sub-basement."

"The sub-basement?" Kix asks as he follows her over to the gated window well, suddenly wondering how dangerous this relic is if it's being kept in such a secure location.

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