Danganronpa Forever Hopeless Chapter 13

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Previously on Forever Hopeless... Yasuho, Melody, Tracey, and Cameron ran into the Abandoned Building to find out that Hilda Grover and Sarah Davis have been killed along with Jamie Kelly. While Yasuho and Melody find out that Cameron might be the traitor.

Chapter 13: Mr. Sandman Part 4

Location: Court Room
Characters: Tracey, Yasuho, Joseph, Chiaki, Randy, Katie, Cameron, Jose, Robin, and Melody
10 Students are left...

Location: Court RoomCharacters: Tracey, Yasuho, Joseph, Chiaki, Randy, Katie, Cameron, Jose, Robin, and Melody10 Students are left

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"Hey, Yasuho, Melody what are you two talking about?" Jose said as Yasuho's heart dropped "...it's about the traitor I think I know who it is." Yasuho said which sent everyone in disbelief  "Who, who is it Yasuho!" Cameron said, "I- I can't..." Yasuho said, "Can't what?" Cameron said, "...here it is." Yasuho said as she showed the case file to everyone in the courtroom "What there's no way!!!" said Jose "No, I won't believe it. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANYONE ELSE!" said Joseph. Inside the file, it contained evidence that Cameron might be the traitor; Camron is stunned. "Cameron explain this now!" Katie said "Please don't do this to us! We suffered enough, please don't do this to us!" Joseph said "I have no idea how you got this but... it's not mine." Cameron said leaving everyone in silence "But how do we know that is true?" Chiaki says "Phuhuhuhuhuhuh I smell a debate coming on! IT'S TIME FOR A DEBATE SCRUM!" Monokuma said "What are debate scrums?!" said Yasuho "Debate scrums are simple you argue with 'whodunnit' and see if they are the traitor or killer with the evidence you have right now." Monokuma said before pushing the button. Yasuho and everyone else's podiums all moved upwards towards the debate room.

Main Topic: Is Cameron the Culprit?

"It was found in his room so that means he's the traitor right?" Katie said as Yasuho called on Jose "Yeah but we still don't know if he's the traitor or not!" Jose said, "Are you saying it's someone trying to frame Cameron?" Joseph said as Yasuho...

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"It was found in his room so that means he's the traitor right?" Katie said as Yasuho called on Jose "Yeah but we still don't know if he's the traitor or not!" Jose said, "Are you saying it's someone trying to frame Cameron?" Joseph said as Yasuho called on Cameron "Yeah it is possible as that isn't my handwriting." Cameron said, "But even so Cameron has been the most suspicious out of all of us!" said Chiaki as Yasuho called on Tracey  "We haven't ruled out everyone so it's too early to say it's Cameron," said Tracey "But what if it was a different weapon that Cameron used?" Randy said as Yasuho called on Robin "The Monokuma file stated that Jamie's throat was slit along with Sarah and Hilda's throats and even then Cameron would've been covered with blood and he wouldn't have enough time to clean it off before he met with Yasuho, Tracey, and Melody!" said Robin "Couldn't he have someone else dress up as him like Robin?" Melody said as Yasuho spoke up "It is possible that Robin is the killer but again she would've had no time to undress as Cameron without someone noticing?" said Yasuho defending Cameron.

"THIS IS OUR ANSWER!" Yasuho, Cameron, Jose, Tracey, and Robin said

"THIS IS OUR ANSWER!" Yasuho, Cameron, Jose, Tracey, and Robin said

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"See it isn't Cameron, plus it's too early to blame it all on him, there's still the notes that we glossed over." Yasuho said as the podiums flew down "Now let's go over our evidence again to see if there are any contradictions in everyone's argument." Yasuho said as everyone started to present their alibi's "So it all started 2 days ago, so we can assume it happened when Yasuho got her Ultimate Talent due to how roughened up Jamie's body was." said Jose "But wouldn't that mean that Sarah is the killer?" Randy said, "Wait remember the notes that were left with the bodies, I know they reference the Stab films well I just found out that Stab 3: Return to Woodsboro was filmed in Scream 3 while it was shown in a marathon during Scream 4!" said Cameron "Oh right, that's odd how they skipped Stab 2." said Tracey "Alright let's try to remember the plot of Scream 3 and uncover this mystery shall we!" said Yasuho


"Well let's start with the beginning of the film, it starts with Sindey returning to Woodsboro flash forward she finds out that Deputy Dewy is guarding someone and that someone is the actress who was portraying Sidney Prescott herself." said Randy "Looking at the script 10 people died while leaving the main 3 characters which were Sidney, Dewey, and Gale." said Jose "WAIT A MINUTE I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING!" said Tracey "What is it Tracey?" said Yasuho as Tracey continues "When I was locked in the coffin and you two and Jose and Joseph got the link to the Twitch live stream, I felt like it was suspiciously similar to Zoe's death in Scream Season 2 along with Jamie's death it's similar to Rachel Murray in Season 1," Tracey said, "Alright then I think we should not rule out a third killer?" said Cameron "Why do you say that?" said Yasuho, "I think due to how insanely complicated the killer plan is, they must've had an accomplice." with that, everyone in the courtroom was sweating could there really be another killer among us? "H- hey Cameron that's not something you should joke about!" said Jose "Well, can you deny it? There's no way the killer could've done this all by himself, so there must have been someone who worked with them." Cameron said as Chiaki had an idea "Well then... Robin, are you the culprit?" as soon as Chiaki said that Robin was quiet "H- huh me?! But I haven't done anything!" Robin said, "You are the Ultimate Cosplayer, how do we know you're not in cahoots with the killer... or the killer!" said Chiaki "Hey leave her alone she didn't do anything wrong, bullying will never get us anywhere!" Katie said, "...Bullying? Yeah, so what? That's what you guys do in this game right? You guys blame and gang up on people and act like you're all the good guys." said Chiaki "N- No... I never ganged up-" Katie said before Chiaki interrupted her "ROBIN ARGUE BACK ALREADY!" Chiaki said towards Robin "N- No, I didn't do anything..." Robin said nervously "Stop it all of you and just find the Mastermind!" Monokuma shouted at everyone in the courtroom "Monokuma is right, we should try to figure out how we'll be able to solve this case." Cameron said, "Wait!" Robin interrupts "What is it Robin?" Cameron said, "I completely forgot to mention, since this entire plot is based on Scream 3, there was 1 killer I remember because I watched Scream 3 before Jamie died with Sarah Davis..."

This is the end of Chapter 13: Mr. Sandman Part 4

The trial for the deaths of Jamie Kelly, Sarah Davis, and Hilda Grover is finally heating up! Robin Hawke just revealed she saw Scream 3 with Sarah Davis but is Sarah the killer or did she have an accomplice?

Find out in the next chapter of Danganronpa Forever Hopeless Chapter 14 Mr. Sandman Part 5: Cooler Than Me!

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