Danganronpa: Forever Hopeless Chapter 25

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Previously on Forever Hopeless, the 4th Trial finally ends with Cameron Hill: The Ultimate Detective being executed as Chiaki has a goal to end the killing game like Quinn and Robin...

Forever Hopeless Chapter 25: Clair de Lune

Currently Alive: Yasuho Shirogane, Jose Chaves, Tracey Hartford, Dante Rossi, Joseph Hakagure, Melody Dianna, Chiaki Sakunami, and R3nt4r0 (8 Students) are still alive...

Currently Dead: Quinn Philips, Rabia Basri, Daria Wentworth, Mikan Sayanji, Casey Sanchez, Jamie Kelly, Hilda Grover, Sarah Davis,

Part 5: Lies Can Be Hurtful

Location: Courtyard, Outside
Day 6: Night

Yasuho walks outside the courtroom and steps outside into the courtyard where Yasuho sees Joseph "Hey Yasuho... it didn't feel right that I punched you and left so I stayed here for you because I wanted to apologize for that." said Joseph "It did hurt that badly Joseph, you don't need to apologize..." said Yasuho "Hey by the way, what's that in your hand?" said Joseph being curious "Oh it's... the key to Cameron's Ultimate Research Lab, one of the Monokubs gave it to me..." said Yasuho "I see... ''Well when are you going to Cameron's Research Lab?" said Joseph as Yasuho and he walked towards the dorms ''Honestly... I don't know right now I need a break... just some time to get away from everything..." said Yasuho trying to remain calm "I see... hey what's this?" said Joseph as he looked towards a rock on the ground "What is it?" said Yasuho being curious "It says This World is Mine... Ch... Saku..." said Joseph "Huh, why would a rock have something like that?" said Yasuho "I don't know but we should be careful..." said Joseph as he goes to his dorm room as Yasuho does the same.

Location: Yasuho's Dorm Room

Yasuho lays down on her bed, grabs her pillow while screaming, and crying "I wanna die... I want to get out of here... I hate it here... I can't take this anymore... I've gotten everyone killed... It's all my fault... I betrayed everyone and got my closest friends killed..." said Yasuho as she ended up falling asleep.

Location: Classroom

"Hey, Yasuho how are you?" Cameron said, "I'm doing fine, just ill." Yasuho said with her heart pounding as the classroom walls fall down as all the dead students surround her "You killed us Yasuho, it's because of you we all died." the deceased said as Cameron starts choking Yasuho "Join us Yasuho, be free of your sins and accept the fact that you don't deserve to live. You deserve to die, just like the rest of us!" they all said as Yasuho touches Cameron's face and cries "Yes, you guys are right." Yasuho says

"The killing game only ends when someone takes their own life..." Yasuho says as she grabs a knife as the lights finally turn off...

Day 7: Morning
Location: Dorm Room

Joseph walked to Yasuho's dorm "Oh hey Tracey." said Joseph "Hey Joseph..." said Tracey "Is she still in there?" said Joseph "Yeah... her door has been locked since 6 am." said Tracey "I think we need to check on her." said Joseph worryingly as Monokuma appears "Wassup doc." said Monokuma "Ew, if you want to do a pop culture reference do it right, don't do it like the Big Bang Theory!" said Tracey as Monokuma growls "...Anyway we need you to open the door quickly!" said Joseph "Alright fine, fine I'll do it." said Monokuma as he opens the door, Tracey and Joseph run into the room "Y- Yasuho?" said Joseph "I'll check the bathroom!" said Tracey as she rushes in... and sees that Yasuho had slits her wrists... "AHHHHHH!!!!!" said Tracey as Joseph rushes in and shakes her "Don't screw around Yasuho!" said Joseph as Yasuho groans "Please Monokuma!" screamed Tracey "Hrmmm what is it now?" said Monokuma "Take her to the nurse's office dammit!" said Joseph "No." said Monokuma being persistent "Don't screw around dumbass!" said Joseph as Tracey grabs a book and holds it up to Monokuma "Take her to the nurse's office now or get squished by this book dammit!" said Tracey "AHHHHHH YOU WOULDN'T HURT ME, I'M YOUR HEADMASTER!" screamed Monokuma, instead of hitting Monokuma Tracey steps on Monokuma's foot "AHHHH!!!!" said Monokuma "Do you want it to hurt on both sides?" said Tracey "OKAY OKAY I'LL TAKE HER!" said Monokuma as he takes Yasuho to the nurse's office as Tracey sets the book down "Well what now..." said Joseph "...I don't know, I don't want to eat breakfast... I'm worried for Yasuho." said Tracey "Yeah... but we should hope for the best, she's a strong girl. I hope she gets through this." said Joseph "Yeah, I guess you're right..." said Tracey in a melancholic tone as they walked to the Cafeteria.

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