Danganronpa: Forever Hopeless Chapter 14

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Last time on Forever Hopeless: Cameron Hill was confronted by Yasuho Shirogane about being the traitor but in a turn of events he wasn't the traitor yet while Chiaki Evans targeted Robin Hawke reveals that she watched Scream 3 with Sarah Davis, is Robin the killer or was Sarah the killer and is there an accomplice?

Chapter 14 Mr. Sandman Part 5: Cooler Than Me

Yasuho Shirogane, Cameron Hill, Robin Hawke, Chiaki Sakunami, Tracey Hartford, Randy Kennedy, Katie Ludington, Dante Rossi, Melody Dianna, Joseph Hakagure, and Jose Chaves are still alive... (11 Students)
Location: The Courtroom


"I completely forgot to mention, since this entire plot is based on Scream 3, there was 1 killer I remember because I watched Scream 3 before Jamie died with Sarah Davis..." Robin said "W- with Sarah Davis... I mean that explains why we haven't seen her in a while but... would she really do that." Yasuho said, "Actually yes." Jose says while pulling out his phone "She had a blog dedicated to her photos... Jamie's body was there, including Hilda's." Jose said, "Wow- that's awfully convenient..." Randy said "Robin might've worked with Sarah as she killed all 3 of them." said Chiaki "Excuse me but everyone can I have your guy's attention please?" Tracey said "Hmmm... what a pain. I guess we don't have any proof to know if Robin did kill them or was cosplaying as someone." said Chiaki "E- Excuse me but can I have everyone's attention please?!" Tracey said as the whole courtroom was silent "Welp, I guess there's no point in discussing this case anymore. Guess we should just vote off Robin then." said Chiaki happily "What?!" said Robin filled with fear "HEY! MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" Tracey said as she put strobe lights on "AH SHIT TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!" Joseph said, "Yes Tracey you have our attention." Yasuho said "Now that I have your guy's attention I'd like to point out that in the original script for Scream 3 there were 2 killers which explained why Sidney's brother couldn't have killed them all, the guy in the mask that attacked Yasuho and Tracey has the same mask as the Lakewood Slasher from MTV's Scream." said Tracey "Wow another pop culture reference, you must be a hardcore loser!" said Chiaki "As I was saying you guys are all dumbasses, even if Robin did kill someone. You guys are forgetting about the Rules of Horror." said Tracey ignoring Chiaki "We've gone over the rules, it says

1. NEVER say I'll be right back
2. Since this is the 3rd trial expect the body count to possibly. grow...
3. Deaths are more elaborate, possibly more gruesome.
4. Unexpected is the new cliché.
5. Doesn't matter if you're gay, trans, straight, or a person of color you'll still die.
6. Anyone can die, even the ones that survived this long.
7. The killer will go for the most important characters which means that we aren't invincible...
8. The obvious suspect isn't the killer, it would be too obvious and ruin everything.

All of them came true, the body count was raised, unexpected was the new cliché, and the most important people for trials..." said Cameron "The last rule isn't real, anyone who has seen the Scream movies knows this. Even if Robin is the killer the mastermind behind this trial is... well I'll let Yasuho decide, considering how much she's helped us I can trust her with who the mastermind truly is." said Tracey putting all her faith in Yasuho "Shit I just got called on... okay, I've got to think about this. It can't be Robin, even it was her there is still a mastermind who put her up to this... actually holy shit, Tracey was right. This case is obvious sure it would ruin the fun for him." said Yasuho thinking to herself "So do you know who did it?" Cameron said with sweat running down his face, Yasuho looks at Robin. Robin sweats and looks down "It's not Robin." said Yasuho which made Robin look up and smiles "It's also Robin but not really, I don't know how to explain it but it's not Robin." Yasuho says as everyone is in shock "WHA- WHAT THE FUCK?!" Joseph says "Alright then who is it?" Jose says "It's Randy Kennedy, Randy Kennedy is the culprit." Tracey said as everyone stared at Randy "...Randy, did you manipulate Robin into killing Sarah, Jamie, and Hilda?" said Cameron "Heh...hehehe... Hah...haha...hahaha..." Randy says "So is that's all you have to say?" said Yasuho "So I see you still believe your false accusations so far... I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO LAUGH OR SPIT!" Randy said losing his cool "You are the Ultimate Horror Fan, plus how could 1 person trap Tracey in the coffin and kill Sarah at the same time?" said Yasuho "Come on! Enough with your idiotic banter! I wasn't near Sarah, Sarah is a loser! DO I LOOK LIKE I WOULD HANG OUT WITH A LOSER!?" Randy said arguing back "Oh? What's wrong Randy, you seemed to be angry all of the sudden" Chiaki said, "What?! I think I've earned the right to be a little on edge!" said Randy "Alright then where were you when all of this happened? If you are innocent I'm sure you can defend yourself." Cameron said trying to get Randy to confess "Fine! Make sure your ears are wiiiiiiiide open and listen up! I was in my room watching Dead Meat!" Randy said "Stop pretending, if you were in your room why didn't Robin and I see you walk back to your room? Since our rooms are right next to each other?" said Katie "I'm not pretending. It's the truth! And since you have no way to contradict me..." Randy said before Yasuho interrupted him "NO THAT WRONG!" Yasuho said, "What is it Yasuho?" Cameron said, "If all of our rooms are themed after our talents, then wouldn't that mean Randy was the Lakewood Slasher cosplayer?" said Yasuho "What!? Th- That's an invasion of privacy! I- I refuse to acknowledge your false accusations!" said Randy "Actually Yasuho I do believe you however I don't think the Mastermind or Monokuma had a mask there, I think Robin was possibly forced to make the mask cluelessly thinking Randy was just cosplaying for fun." said Cameron responding to Yasuho "Yup, that's correct I made it, I didn't know he'd use it for killing." Robin said "EVEN FOR A FEEBLE MINDED JACKASS YOU GUYS COULDN'T BE SORELY MISTAKEN!" said Randy screaming at the top of his lungs "Randy what's gotten into you?!" Melody said, "No, Randy you're the only one who ties all of the loose strings together!" Yasuho said, "You forgot to read the rules you fools! The rules have everything that'll help us solve the case, the rules... THE RULES, THE RULES...THE RULES THE RULES THE RULES, THE RULES, THE RULES-! UNTIL THE GAME IS OVER YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN, WHICH IS WHY YOU READ THE RULES!" Randy said going into a breakdown.

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