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Coldplay. Who hasn't heard of them?

As a child, I heard them everywhere. Whether it was in a store, as someone's ringtone, or on the radio, I knew it was them, every time.

Well, I didn't exactly know it was them. I didn't know what the band was called at that time.

But I did know that they were all by the same band, and every time I heard them, I wanted to hold on to the feeling I got, and never let go.

My most prized possession is my A Rush Of Blood To The Head CD, which my mom had given me when I turned 8.

I've played that CD over and over and over again.

It was the only CD that I owned, since my mom couldn't afford to buy us much.

If I can even call her my mom.

When I was 10, she murdered her boyfriend while I was in the room. I ended up running over to a neighbor's house, and they called the police.

I am now 12, and my mom is in jail. I live with my aunt for now, and I'm waiting for them to find my biological father so I can live with him.

That is, if he even wants me.

It seems to me that nobody does anymore, not even my aunt. She makes me take care my cousins all of the time, while she sits around and doesn't pay any attention to us.

I try to be patient, but I really can't wait until they discover who my father is.

Us Against The World // Chris MartinWhere stories live. Discover now