how we met

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Hi I am Izuku Midoriya and I am an Omega. My best friend Kacchan is and alpha and likes to protect me. I have a quirk called Fatal Forcefields. I can make Forcefields with anything or anyone. Kacchan and I have been friends since we were kids. We have soulmate marks on our arm by our wrist we get when we are four. You can get up to five soulmates marks.The more you have the rarer (don't know if thats a word) they are. After you meet you soulmate you can feel the emotions and pain they are feeling. I have two soulmate marks though it’s pretty rare. My soulmate marks are a hand disintegrating paper and the other is blue pretty blue flames that spell cremation. I was taking a walk in the forest since I woke up early when my bullies came out of nowhere and started hitting me.

Thirty minutes later they left leaving me in a pool of blood covered in bruises. My phone was dead so I couldn't call for help how fortunate. I was slipping in and out of conciseness when I picked up the scent of two strong alphas. I noticed a glow and sting from my soulmate marks which was telling me the scents belonged to my alphas. I tried to get to them but I couldn't get to them because of the events from earlier. As seconds passed the scents were getting stronger. I saw two males one with burns under his eyes and under his mouth as far as I could see with a black baggy hoodie and sweatpants. The other has baby blue hair that went to his shoulders with jeans and a dark blue hoodie. They were both built and muscular and strong looking which went with them being tall. They both seemed to notice there soulmate mark glowing as they said “mate”. Before I knew what was happening everything went dark.

Dabi’s POV

Me and tomura were walking when we noticed our soulmate mark glowing. I called out mate as Tomura followed. We followed the soulmate mark until we saw a boy laying in a pool of blood. We instantly ran to him and picked him up to take him home. When we got there everyone started asking us questions. Tomura got them quiet as I went to patch him up and put him in bed. After patching Tomura and my mate, I went back to help him with the league.

Tomura’s POV

Me and tomura felt our soulmate mark sting and glow, so we followed it as Dabi called out mate. We saw a boy laying in a pool of blood with bruises. Dabi ran to help the boy and we carried him back home. When me and Dabi got back, we were hit with questions. I tried my best to answer them as Dabi went to go help our mate. I was answering questions when Dabi came down to help me answer questions.

Time skip brought to you by me wanting ramen... still Tomura’s POV

Me and Dabi heard went up to check on our other mate when we saw him awake. He looked terrified when he realized we were villains which hurt a little. Me and Dabi let out calming pheromones which seemed to calm him down. He made a face of realization and calmed all the way down which me and Dabi are both glad for.

Next chapter should be out tomorrow since I don't have school but let me know if I should do smut I am new to this and started and posted my first two books today but let me know is you want more this fanfiction was inspired by The shigadabideku book Lost which I think was taken down. If you are the creator of that book please tell me so I can name you.

 If you are the creator of that book please tell me so I can name you

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Tomura's soulmate mark

Tomura's soulmate mark

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Dabi's soulmate mark

Izuku's soulmate mark

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Izuku's soulmate mark

Kacchans' soulmates soulmate mark

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Kacchans' soulmates soulmate mark

Kacchans' soulmates soulmate mark

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Kacchan's soulmate mark

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