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Tomura’s POV

It was too much for Izuku, and nobody could blame him. Izuku had fought Chisaki once before and it almost killed him. Dabi walked him upstairs to the stairs. It would be too much stress for him. Once Dabi came back downstairs, we began. I grabbed the table of weapons and rolled them closer to Dabi. Dabi proceeded to grab a knife. “Where did the cutie go. I wanted to see him longer.” How dare he talk about our Izuku like that. I wanted to kill him right then and there. I was about to grab him with all five of my fingers when Dabi stopped me. “We can’t kill him just yet, but we can torture him.” 

Graphic torture ahead

Dabi pulled out a metal stool with a giant pyramid with a very sharp top. This was used to torture people in the older times (Picture at the top). Normally we wouldn't go through such extreme measures, but he hurt Izuku too many times. I grabbed the chains and hooked them up to his arm and legs, while Dabi tied chains up to his legs along with weights. I used a string to pull him up into the air while Dabi pushed the thing under him. Dabi lit his clothes on fire burning them off. He was naked and slowly dropped down onto the sharp pyramid. Blood began to ooze from all sides of the pyramid. immediately after, Overhaul let out a blood-curdling scream. “STOP IT HURTS.”Dabi and I couldn’t hold our laughter anymore. “Know you know how Izuku felt when you hurt him and that kid,” Dabi said. We weren’t going to kill just by using this torture device. Death by only this torture was too good for him. We grabbed a bag of blood and made him drink it. The plan which we got from Tiyana was to torture him while only giving him blood to drink. In result, we would give him just enough to survive, 5 liters, but he would die from too much salt intake in the end. It would start with kidney failure, vomiting, and death (I searched how many days someone could live from only drinking blood but didn’t get an answer so this is a random number). Tiyana says he will last at most a month. 25 days with the torture. 

~Time Skip~

It's been 22 days since we first started torturing Overhaul. He’s become weak. Too weak to be left alive. Dabi and I talked to Izuku and he told us we could as long as we didn’t tell what we did. Using another ancient torture method we decided it would be best for him to be roasted alive. Tiyana had us another one of her things to finish off their job. It was the Brazen Bull. Dabi sat his limped body inside and lit a fire. I was silent until Overhaul started screaming. The bull had an acoustic apparatus that converted screams into the sound of a bull. The screaming lasted 3 minutes until everything went silent. Luckily, the nose had incense or the entire room would stink. Dabi put out the fire and opened up the bull. The room filled with the smell of a cooked human. “What are we going to do with the body,” Dabi asked. “Toga told me she got some blood from someone that owns a boat. We give the body to her and she will ship the body out.” I wrapped the body in an opaque body bag. “TOGA.” Toga ran downstairs and grabbed the wrapped body before running back upstairs. “Can we go see Izuku now?” Dabi asked. I was about to answer, but I had another idea. I ran upstairs to our room where Izuku was. “Hey, get back here.” I reached our room before Dabi did seeing Izuku on the bed with our beautiful babies. “Are you two done yet?” Dabi had finally made it into the room and was surprisingly out of breath. “Next time you do something like that, I will cremate you.” Dabi was about to yell something else until Izuku shushed him. “Be quiet, please. The babies are sleeping.” I walked over to the bed and laid down beside Izuku. Dabi sat down beside me and rolled on top of me. He was so lucky I couldn't yell at him. 

Izuku’s POV

I swear Dabi and shiggy will be the death of me. I heard the job was done by Toga when she was going to get the body. Honestly, I wouldn't have gone as far as to torture him for that long even after everything he has done. Dabi says it's because of my kind heart. The twins were sleeping after being fed, and it was just about time to put them down for a nap. Shiggy and Dabi were being idiots and seeing who could annoy the other first knowing I would yell at them if the twins woke up. I loved being here with everyone but just how long could we keep hiding like this? I know we can't really fight since well… the twins, but what if the heroes find us again? Can we really afford another attack right now? I think the twins got the hint that I was in distress because they hugged onto my shirt tighter forcing a giggle out of me. These twins always know how to cheer me up. Shiggy and Dabi latched onto me sometime in my thinking because now they’re laying on my lap while the twins are in my arms. 

Tiyana walked in and said she needed to talk to me. It took 5 minutes to slowly pry shiggy and Dabi off of me and 2 minutes to sit Aoi and Crystal down for a nap. I walked into the hallway and met Tiyana who was waiting patiently for me to arrive. “So, what did you wanna talk about. You sounded kinda serious for a second.” Tiyana’s expression changed for a split second before turning to her normal neutral and straight face that she normally has. “We need to talk about our future.” I was confused until I remembered Tiyana had mind-reading abilities. “What do we need to talk about specifically?” Tiyana pulled out something from her back pocket and handed it to me. It was a medium-sized piece of paper. I looked at it for a second and saw it had wording on it. Over close inspection, I realized it was a note. “Toga found it overhaul’s clothes.” I read it and saw something that made all my nightmares come true. “OVERHAUL IS WORKING WITH THE THE HEROES?” Tiyana grabbed me before I could fall onto the floor. “I think it’s time.” Tiyana didn’t have to say any more for me to understand what she meant. I knew we weren’t going to be able to run forever. “To be honest with you Izuku, I know everyone knew that deep down inside.” It took a while but I was finally able to stand up. “How long till we tell everyone else what should happen,” I asked. “Maybe tomorrow, though I don’t want everyone to fall as you did,” Tiyana teased. The joke sat my mind at ease for a while, but how long until all the worry comes back? “I don’t know but you should take it easy and be careful with what you do.” I swear, Tiyana and her mind-reading. That thought sure lifted Tiyana’s mind. I went back to my room where shiggy and Dabi tackled me in a hug. 

Maybe we were going to be okay…

(there is going to be a war and this is where you guys get to join in. comment if you wanna be in the war, your name, quirk, age, if you wanna work with someone, pronouns, and who you wanna fight)

1313 words

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