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I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon filling the bus. Chief was laid out next to me with his head resting on my leg and soft snores escaping from his mouth. I turned over in the bed and found Chase lying there on his side, watching me sleep with the biggest smile on his face.

"Happy birthday," Chase whispered and placed his lips on mine sweetly.

"Thank you, baby," I smiled when we pulled away.

"I'm sorry your birthday is on a race day," Chase apologized.

"As long as I get to spend the day with you, I don't care where I am," I said as I laid my hand on his cheek.

Chase kissed my forehead and led me out to the living room area of the bus. Every inch of the living room was decorated with streamers and balloons. Breakfast was sitting on the table with a bouquet of flowers in a vase and a note with a gift bag at the end of the table.

"Chase," I whispered, "you didn't have to do all of this."

"Yes I did. You deserve the world and more, Caroline," he said as he kissed my cheek.

"You even fixed breakfast for Chief," I laughed as I saw Chief walk over and start eating.

We went and sat at the table and began eating the breakfast that Chase had made, which to my surprise was delicious.

"Who knew the racecar driver could cook?" I joked.

"What can I say? I'm a man of many talents," Chase smirked as he stuffed his mouth with bacon.

"Growing up Mom always made this same breakfast for me every birthday," I recalled.

"Oh really?" He asked, trying to sound like he had no clue.

"But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"I might've called your mom," he smirked. "I know that you always spend your birthdays at home, and with you not being there this year, I wanted to make sure that you had a little piece of it here."

Birthdays have always been special in my family. Growing up, my parents always made them so special for my siblings and I. Even as we got older and were all moved out of the house, we always went back to Dahlonega and would celebrate with our parents and each other.

This is the first birthday that I haven't spent at home and, as much as I love being here with Chase and celebrating my day with him, I miss being at home and celebrating with my family. Thankfully, Chase and I were going back to Georgia tonight so we'll be able to celebrate with them tomorrow.

"That is so sweet of you, babe. Thank you," I said, leaning across the table and gently kissing him.

"Anything for you," he smiled.

We finished eating our breakfast and then it was time for gifts.

"Chase, you didn't have to get me anything," I said as he placed all of the wrapped gifts in front of me.

"I know but I wanted to get you something," he smiled.

"This looks like a lot of somethings," I laughed as I looked at all of the gifts in front of me.

"Well I couldn't pick just one thing, and besides you deserve it. Now, quit being humble and open your gifts."

"Okay," I laughed. "Is there one that I should start with or does it matter?"

Second Chances // Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now