whatever brings you back

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I woke up to Chase's arm draped around my waist and Chief's head resting on my legs; snores escaping from both Chase and Chief's mouths. The hot, June sun was shining through the window and casting the most perfect morning glow into my bedroom.

"Good morning," Chase whispered, pressing a kiss onto my jawline.

"Hi," I breathed, smiling as I turned in the bed to face him. "How did you sleep last night?"

"With my eyes closed," Chase smirked.

"Okay smart ass," I rolled my eyes. Chase smiled at me and pressed another kiss onto my forehead.

"You better get up and start getting ready, I've got a special day planned for you."

"I know about the Braves game," I chuckled.

"Nah, it's not just the Braves game."

"Well, what is it?"

"If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise. We just need to get up and get ready, we have to be at the stadium in two hours," Chase said, getting out of bed. He walked over to my side of the bed and grabbed my hands, trying to pull me out of the bed.

"Okay, fine," I groaned. "I'm getting up."

Chase and I made our way to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast and took Chief out before we headed back upstairs to get ready for the day. Chase had been asked by the Atlanta Braves to throw out the first pitch at tonight's game against the Tampa Bay Rays. When Chase got the call, he was over the moon excited and wouldn't stop talking about it for days. He's been out in the backyard practicing just about every day since he's been back in town after his race in Sonoma. It's kinda cute how excited he's been about this whole thing.

"Where have you been hiding that?" Chase asked, as I walked out of my closet in my Dansby Swanson jersey.

"You're not the only one who's a Braves fan, sir."

"Well, it looks good on you sweetheart." Chase kissed my cheek as he walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs.

Once we had finished getting ourselves ready, we had a little bit of time before we needed to head to the stadium so we took Chief outside to let him run around for a while since we would be gone a good bit of the day. After Chief had run himself tired, we put food and water out for him and went to the stadium.

"Are you excited?" I asked Chase as we got closer to the stadium.

"Yeah. I'm just hoping I can throw a strike," Chase smiled looking over at me.

"Oh, I know you will."

When we made it to the stadium, we pulled around back and met up with Morgan, Chase's new PR girl. Caitlin had left the team a few weeks ago to pursue a different path in her career. I had only ever talked to Morgan for a brief time over the phone, so I was excited to finally get to meet her.

"Caroline, this is Morgan. Morgan, this is Caroline," Chase introduced us.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," I said, embracing Morgan.

"It's nice to meet you too! Chase talks about you all the time, I feel like I already know you."

"Well, I hope it's all good things," I said nudging Chase's side.

"Oh, only the best," Morgan smiled. We stood around and talked for a while before Morgan got to the whole reason that we were there. "So, everyone is already here. They're in the box eating lunch right now so we'll go up there and meet them and then the Braves have invited y'all to tour the facility and to watch batting practice."

Second Chances // Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now