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In a hospital about a couple miles away from the main highway sat a young couple. They seemed to be in their late 20s at least. Fearful nurses sat outside the room that had housed them for months now, waiting for what had sadly plastered its way across this young man's fate.

    "Will-" the young lady holding his hand whispered, trying to stop the tears from coming. "It's okay," his voice came out ragged and worn out as if he had just been strangled a few minutes beforehand. She laid her head down on his chest. They all knew this was coming but no one wanted to acknowledge it.

    One of the newer nurses to the field stepped into the room, whispering to her colleague next to her. "What's happening here?" "Soulmates, again," she sighed, "such a shame really." The girl nodded, "I wish it didn't have to be this way. Why can't someone just live happily with another person without worrying that they'll be the one to cause their death?" "You're asking the wrong person, Bev."

    It got quiet in the room before the man slowly shut his eyes. Loud, sorrowful cries emitted shortly after as the girl mourned the newly found loss of her lover.


Soulmate (n.) the ideal partner; the first one to catch feelings in a soulmate paring has a determined fate of a slow death. One does not know who their soulmate is until the process begins.

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