Chapter 8 - Heaven's Touch

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After Madison had collapsed, the girls rushed her back to the academy as fast as they could. Fiona reluctantly followed. She was annoyed her test had gotten interrupted but now she had a further inkling as to who the next supreme was. This made her content and she was beginning to think of a plan to handle her when she heard Cordelia's worried exclamations.

"Bring her in! Bring her in," Cordelia cried as she ushered the girls inside. "Mother, what happened?" Fiona shrugged as she took her sunglasses off, "She just collapsed. How would I know?" Cordelia scoffed. She left the group to help Zoe bring her upstairs to their room. Zoe laid her down as gently as she could. She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead before gasping, "Cordelia she's burning up." "I'm going to get a wet towel. Watch her." The brunette sat down on the bed next to her, holding her hand in her own.

While Cordelia was downstairs, she spent her time interrogating her coven. "So what exactly happened, girls?" She asked urgently. "She started coughing and I think there was blood. Then she just fell over," Queenie answered to which Nan nodded. "Cordy, I'm sorry I didn't do something I-," Misty started. "It's fine, Misty. It's not your fault," she responded, cupping her cheeks. Cordelia then left them to get the washcloth she had mentioned earlier. Fiona rolled her eyes and left, slamming the door behind her. "I'll deal with it later," she thought.

Meanwhile, Zoe was inwardly panicking. "Mads, wake up for me, please. You're scaring me," she chuckled as tears streamed down her face. "We're supposed to go on that date, remember?"

"How is she doing?' Cordelia asked, opening the door. "I don't know. She hasn't woken up yet." "Zoe, it might be a while. Give her time," she responded. She put the wet towel on the blonde's forehead, backing up afterward to take a look at the situation. Cordelia was trying to stay strong for her coven but it was hard when Madison was practically like a daughter to her. "We have to bring her to the hospital," Zoe said with a raised tone. "It's too dangerous. We don't need them knowing she's a witch," the headmistress gulped down her tears, "Just, stay with her. That's all she needs right now." Zoe heard her close the door on her way out.

A day or so had passed as the rest of the coven went up to check on them. "She awake yet?" Queenie asked. Zoe shook her head, not turning away from the blonde. Cordelia stepped in to press her hand to her forehead like the brunette had previously. "Her fever has gone down. Thank god," she said relieved. Zoe's hand hadn't left Madison's in a hope that it would help the girl wake up if she knew someone was there with her. Nan stepped forward, "She's thinking about you, you know." Zoe turned her head to face the girl, "She is?" Nan nodded, "Her thoughts are so loud. I almost couldn't sleep last night. You're all she thinks about." Zoe chuckled slightly as she wiped her tears. She squeezed the girl's hand tighter."Let me know if anything changes, okay? If she wakes up, moves, anything," Cordelia asked the taller girl, patting her shoulder reassuringly. Zoe sighed. They left and the two were alone once more.

A few more hours passed. The brunette decided to curl up next to Madison. She hadn't slept in what felt like ages. Her arm found its way around the blonde's tiny body, hugging tightly. After a while, the girl finally drifted off to sleep. They had never cuddled before and even though it was one-sided, Zoe had never felt safer. Then she felt a warmth on her arm. Her eyes opened to slits to see Madison had moved her arm on top of Zoe's to hold it. Zoe gasped, sitting up. She moved her other hand on top of hers. "Maddie?" The blonde groaned. Zoe's face lit up almost immediately. "I'm right here, baby." "Since when did you start calling me baby?" Madison asked, cracking a smile. Zoe hugged her tightly. "I thought you were in a coma or something," she began to cry. "God, it felt like it." The brunette pulled back from her as the blonde sat up. The two stared at each other for a while before Madison closed the gap between them.

It was a sweet passionate kiss that both of them had been wanting for some time. Madison wrapped her arms around Zoe's neck, deepening it. Their lips separated as Madison smiled, "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." Zoe's cheeks had a deep red plastered across them. She smiled back before kissing the blonde once again. Cordelia opened the door in the middle of it.

"I heard-," she began, "Madison! You're awake." The taller blonde ran over to hug her. "Yeah, yeah, I'm alive. Get off me, grandma," she muttered. Zoe scooched back a tad so that Cordelia could speak to her. "How are you feeling?" "Like shit," Madison responded. "Seriously, Madison, does anything hurt? Do you feel nauseous?" "I have a headache, I guess." "Okay, I'm going to go get some Advil," Cordelia replied, rushing out of the room. Madison sighed in annoyance. "Madison, she's just trying to help. I think she might feel guilty," Zoe said. "No, you're right," she mumbled as she crashed back onto her pillow. "Also," Madison started, "You're a really good kisser, Benson." The brunette blushed again.

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry, this is late again. If you read my update, I'm failing like 3 classes so bear with me lmao- I wanted this chapter to just be fluff so for those who were wanting more of it, here's a whole chapter for ya! It's way shorter than my others because like I said, I didn't want the plot to be too apparent in this one. I have a plan for the next chapter. That's gonna be a doozy. Vote/Comment as always! Ily guys (let me know if you like shorter or longer chapters also) - Sky <3

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