Chapter 7 - In Your Arms

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"It's all your fault." The words echoed in Zoe's head like screams in a cave. They felt like screams, hell, she wanted to scream. She couldn't be the reason, for now, a second person dying, could she? It just wasn't fair. Zoe was always the goody-two-shoes of every friend group she had been a part of. She'd keep her grades up, follow the rules, and generally had an open mind to respect everyone as long as they respected her. "What did I do to deserve this?" She thought. The tears that lingered under the blonde next to her's eyes began to trickle down slowly. Zoe couldn't keep her mind from going one-hundred miles a minute. She instinctively went to wipe the tears away from her. Madison turned her head and scoffed, now looking down at the floor.

    "Madison, I don't know what to-," she paused, "I don't know what to say." The girl began to speak quietly in guilt-filled whispers. "You can start by not giving me your pity speech. I don't want to hear it," she said sternly. Zoe sighed before her head turned to face the floor as well. The two sat upon the side of Madison's bed together. The silence that fell upon the room made the blonde anxious. "I'm sorry I tried to kill your boy candy, okay? There's no information for this thing online or in the library. I'm basically fucked," she chuckled, trying to hold in more tears. "Does this mean you're going to try to kill me now since it wasn't Kyle?" Zoe asked flatly. Madison looked at her and sighed, "No, Cordelia's right. If it doesn't work it's a waste. Especially since you're a witch. It's a waste of power." Zoe nodded. "So Madison?" the taller girl started. "What?" "What now? I mean, you like me right?" Zoe asked, looking back at the blonde. "No shit, Sabrina." A blush covered the brunette's cheeks.

    Zoe had a flash in her head of that time in the movie theater when she was with Kyle. It was awkward and he was sweet but- Madison. She wanted to kiss her so badly, and she passed it off as being something all girls thought about. It was normal. But, when she kissed Kyle, there weren't any sparks. She didn't get a funny feeling in her stomach. It was just, blank. She did get butterflies when she thought about the girl next to her though. Which was something she was not eager to admit. She did, however, to somehow ease the situation.

    "I like you too." Zoe blurted out before immediately regretting it. "What are we, in middle school?" Madison mocked her. "I'm being serious, Madison," the brunette said with a slight grimace on her face. Madison laughed, making eye contact with Zoe. Zoe's face softened, her hand finding its way on top of Madison's. The two went silent and looked into each other's eyes.

    "She's so beautiful," the two thought simultaneously about the other.

    Zoe's eyes began to glance down at the blonde's lips then back up. Madison smiled. The first genuine smile she had seen from the girl since she laid eyes on her.  They both began to move in. Zoe closed her eyes and Madison followed suit. Then there was a knock on the door that startled both of them. They quickly jumped apart before Cordelia came in.

    "Is everything alright in here? I wanted to make sure nothing got out of hand," Cordelia said, carrying a worried tone. She knew that Zoe wasn't the violent type, but she also knew that Madison was very defensive and that that could've led to putting either of them in harm's way. Something the headmistress didn't know though was that Madison couldn't hurt Zoe if she tried. She just didn't have it in her. Maybe that was part of having a soulmate, keeping them safe.

    Zoe spoke up, "Yes, everything's fine. We were just talking." Madison agreed. "Good, I'm glad you two are getting along, especially under the circumstances," Cordelia smiled sadly, "Let me know if you need anything." She began to walk out before she turned around back into the doorway, "And Madison," the blonde looked over at her, "We're going to do everything we can to find that cure. I promise." Madison gave a weak smile before turning back to Zoe. She didn't have much faith that a cure would find its way to her, but she hoped it would, somehow. Her dream was to be the supreme after all.

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