Chapter 12 - Angel's Wings

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A/N: There's a lot of crying in this particular chapter. It's also my longest chapter by far so I hope it's everything you hoped it would be. Enjoy :)

"Go ahead, do it!" Constance spit the words in Michael's face, "Put me out of my misery." Michael strengthened his grip around his grandmother's throat before eventually releasing it. "You can't even do that, can you? Because you're a coward," she yelled. Tears began to fall from the blonde boy's eyes as he grabbed his jacket and ran out the front door.

    He stepped one foot out the front door, then two, then three as he took a look at his surroundings. Michael began to walk out into the road, eyes puffy and red. As he was turning around to look at Constance's house, a black Range Rover hit him fast and hard with a vengeance.

    Mallory looked knowingly to Zoe as she gave her that grin that let her know she was proud of her. "What now?" Zoe looked through the back windshield, "Back up. He might still be alive." She nodded as she gave the brunette an evil smirk, putting the gear shift in reverse. The car backed up, running over the boy once more.

The girls turned their heads to the right to see Constance. The older woman looked almost thankful. She couldn't quite pin her own emotions down. Nevertheless, they had ended Constance's nightmare of a grandson and it felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders. Zoe and Mallory shared a slight smile before driving off, leaving the corpse of Michael behind them.

The two girls drove for a while in silence, eventually leaving Mallory to break it, "So, why did you want to come with me?" Zoe heaved a sigh, she dreaded answering that question. "For Madison." "Zoe, you're not going to-" "I have to. She didn't deserve to die like that," she wiped a tear away from her eye. "I'm going to need your help too." "My help? What can I do?"

After dropping the car off somewhere, the two witches headed up the stairs to Miss Robichaux's. Cordelia opened the door. "Zoe? I could've sworn you were just- oh, never mind that, who's this?" The taller brunette gulped, "This is Mallory. She's a witch." Cordelia's eyes lit up and her mouth widened into a smile, "Welcome! Come in, come in!" Mallory began to cry tears of joy. She was home.

The two had gone back in time to before Madison had passed. It was around the time where Cordelia was beginning to open up the academy but it wasn't nationwide yet. Zoe promised Madison that she'd find a cure and she did. She wasn't letting that knowledge go to waste and Mallory had a feeling that nothing she could say would change her mind.

Cordelia began to show the young witch around as Zoe went searching for the love of her life. The girl almost broke out in a sprint up the stairs as she stumbled upon their shared bedroom. Madison was on her side, facing away from her on the bed. Her blonde hair fell upon the pillow, breaking away when she started to cough. Her hand desperately tried grasping for her glass of water that was barely out of her reach. Zoe hurried over to grab it for her. Madison smiled, taking the glass from her.

The brunette went speechless. It had been years since she'd seen Madison. She'd almost forgotten what she had looked like, keyword being "almost." Zoe stuttered but no words came out.

"God, what's wrong with you today?" Madison weakly laughed before laying back against her pillow, "Come, I wanna cuddle." Zoe crawled into bed with the girl. She wrapped her arms around her waist and held her like her life depended on it. "Gee, you really can be a baby sometimes, but I love you." The brunette looked up at her, "I love you too. I always have." Madison hugged her back, eventually curling up in her chest.

Memories of the day she lost her came flooding back. Zoe started to cry, hard. "Zo, baby, what's wrong?" "I just... missed you so much." Madison cocked her head in confusion, "Missed me? You were in here like half an hour ago." Zoe interrupted her with a kiss. The blonde giggled, kissing her back. "You wanna have a day just for us? We can watch your favorite movies and eat popcorn. I'll bring you your heated blanket!" Zoe asked excitedly. Madison rolled her eyes playfully. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but...I will gladly accept that offer," she ended the sentence with another kiss. Zoe smiled the brightest she'd smiled in forever. It had been too long. She wasn't going to take the time she had with her for granted now, not like she did to begin with, but at least she knew she could do something about it this time around.

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