Chapter 9 - Blood Stains

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All was well in the coven for the next couple of weeks. Madison had been recovering quite well and Zoe was coming into her power. This was something that Fiona had noticed. When she had taken the girls on their little excursion, she saw that out of all of them, Zoe showed the most potential to be the next supreme of their coven. Her powers were growing at a faster rate than the other girls, in spite of the fact that she had only arrived a few months prior. Fiona planned to deal with this one just like she dealt with her own supreme back in the day. She had been checking in on the girls ever so often during their classes, just to make sure. Cordelia was bothered by this but she couldn't just tell her mom to leave. She hoped that maybe she'd finally lead her coven as a responsible supreme should. This, however, was wishful thinking, and she knew that. Nevertheless, she didn't know how to handle it.

Madison rolled over in her bed to come face to face with her newfound lover. Zoe's arms were wrapped around the blonde lovingly. Her brown hair framed her face as she slept peacefully. Madison smiled. She couldn't remember the last time she had been this happy. The blonde felt as if she was finally understood by someone. That feeling was something she had been missing up until now. Zoe's eyes opened as Madison went to play with her hair. "Morning," she said in a tired, husky tone. "Morning," the shorter girl responded, peppier than usual, "What do you want to do today?" Zoe raised her eyebrows, "You actually want to do something?" Madison rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I'm sick of being stuck in this place. I only passed out once. I'll be fine." "Mads, I don't know." "Can I take you on that date we planned? I know that kind of got pushed off," she added sheepishly. Zoe's eyes softened, "Of course, but do you feel up to it?" "Yes, Benson, stop treating me like I'm made of glass or something," she replied. "Fine, fine. Can we just cuddle for now? I'm so tired." Madison nodded and turned back around so she could be the little spoon once more.

Ever since Madison had that huge scare, the girls cuddled almost every night. Zoe was scared to lose her and the blonde wanted to appreciate any time with the girl that she had left. Madison almost felt like she was a burden on everyone. It made her feel sick, sicker than she already felt. Zoe made that feeling go away, a distraction if you will. The fact that she was doing so well lately was worrying almost everyone in the coven. Zoe was paranoid that it was the calm before the storm and Madison chose not to think about it.

The light began to shine through the curtains as Madison groaned. That was her sign to get up for the day. The two of them got dressed and headed down the stairs for breakfast. Cordelia greeted them as they sat down, "Goodmorning, girls, sleep well?" Madison nodded and Zoe replied, "Yeah, I'd say so. "Good." Breakfast was pretty boring like it usually was. No one was really awake at that hour. The girls just picked at their food tiredly.

After breakfast, Zoe went over to Queenie. "Yes?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "I was wondering if you could help me pick out an outfit for tonight? Madison and I are kinda-" "Going on a date?" She finished. Zoe nodded awkwardly. "Ha, called it! Finally. Jeez, girl, you should have done that ages ago." The brunette opened her mouth to talk, to which Queenie stopped her, "Yes, yes, fine, I'll help you. You owe me though." Zoe laughed, "Deal." The two shook on it and planned as to when they'd go.

While the brunette waited, she spent her time with her girlfriend on their bed. Since she never slept in her own bed anymore, the blonde's bed was now both of theirs. Madison was looking through Instagram as Zoe watched attentively. "Hey, Mads?" "Hmm?" She hummed. "Can I go out with Queenie to the mall later?" "What about our-" "No, no, it won't interrupt that. It'll be before it." "Sure, but why?" Zoe bit her lip, "I kind of want to get a new outfit." "Is it for tonight?" Madison turned her body to face her. "Maybe," Zoe responded, looking away. "Zo, you don't need to impress me. Anything you wear will be adorable," the blonde smiled. "Please, let me try. I've never really dressed up before." Madison sighed lightly, "Alright, just know, you don't need to." "I know, I know." The shorter girl leaned up to kiss her chastely, to which Zoe reciprocated.

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