Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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"Come on," Zoe ushered as she led her boyfriend of 6 months into her house. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked nervously, "I've never been anyone's first." "I'll be fine," she rolled her eyes playfully. They went to her room where they got undressed and acts ensued. It ended as soon as it started with screams, not of pleasure but horror. Blood began to spout from his eyes as he shook uncontrollably. "Charlie!" She screamed as she grasped onto his shoulders.

It was later classified as a brain aneurysm. No one truly knew what happened that day, except for Zoe's family. "Honey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Your great-grandma, she had a- well, power of sorts. I prayed it would skip your generation." "Mom, what are you talking about?" Zoe asked skeptically. "There's a boarding school for young girls like you. You'll be safe there." Zoe shook her head, "I'm not going. I can stay here with you. I'll be fine." "It's too dangerous to keep you here, baby," she said beginning to cry. Men dressed in suits with black coated glasses rapidly entered the room. They took her away kicking and screaming.

Zoe, along with another older witch, were thrown on a train that brought them to the academy. The train seemed to be high-class and private. The woman sitting with her had mid-length red hair that could only be described as fluffy. Zoe spent her train ride reading books on witches and the Salem witch trials. Some hours later, they finally arrived at the academy.

The building was grand and had its own front gate. The plaque on the front of said gate read, "Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies." "This is some fancy place," Zoe thought to herself before stepping inside its white walls. It was spacious on the inside like she had expected, but it was oddly quiet. It seemed as if no one had even lived there. The guards that had escorted her all the way there from her hometown were nowhere to be seen. She noticed this and gulped as she stepped further into the living room.

Zoe spent a few minutes wandering around the academy, getting a sense of her bearings. Her hand would trail across the linings of different picture frames scattered around the place as she walked. Then she heard footsteps behind her as well as giggling. "Who's there?" No answer. Three people in coats and masks surrounded her, blocking her exits. They threw a sack over her head and placed her on a table, yanking it off as soon as she was down. She thrashed against their grip as the one on top of her began to recite something. "O dark father, we offer this flesh up to you, blood, life, and all." Zoe screeched as the person plunged the knife down next to her head. They laughed as they backed away from the scared girl. She huddled her knees up to her chest, hyperventilating. "We're just messing with you," the girl in front of her chuckled as she pulled the mask off. Her blonde hair framing her face as she smirked. "Holy shit are you-" "Madison Montgomery, movie star," she answered, a slight smile rising around the corners of her lips. The two other girls began introducing themselves as Zoe sat defensively. They looked at her expectantly. "Oh, Zoe," she said finally. Madison rolled her eyes.

A woman, slightly older than the girls around her, entered the room. "I'm Cordelia Foxx, the headmistress. Welcome," she smiled. This was the one kind gesture Zoe had noticed throughout her whole journey thus far. Zoe smiled nervously back as Cordelia ushered her to follow. She began showing her to her room which happened to have two beds. "You'll be sharing your room with Madison," she added. Zoe sighed. "Just great," she thought, "this will be one hell of a stay." Cordelia began explaining the origins of Miss Robichaux's as Zoe listened respectfully, asking questions now and then.

Later on, the four witches sat at the dinner table where they began to interrogate Zoe. "What's your damage?" Madison chuckled. "Boyfriend," Nan said. Madison raised her eyebrows. "You kill him?" Zoe sighed. "Leave her alone, girl," Queenie said as she glared at the blonde. "Whatever." Zoe paused before speaking up, "It was an accident." "You're right. It was an accident," Nan spoke reassuringly which received an eye-roll from Queenie. "Nan, you're gonna get yourself in trouble." Madison shot an insult at Queenie which resulted in the two young witches fighting. Zoe backed up from the table as to not get in the way of their childish tendencies. Nan dragged Queenie away with a fork in her hand, quite literally. Madison held the same wound on her hand even though she hadn't been stabbed.

"Human voodoo doll freak," Madison muttered under her breath. Zoe sat back down next to her. "So-," Zoe started but got quickly interrupted by the blonde. "Do you have any clothes that don't look like you borrowed them from a homeless man?" Zoe's eyebrows furrowed, leaving her mouth agape. "Take that as a "No." You can borrow something from me," she smiled as if she had done something charitable. "They're from the Gap, and why would I need your clothes exactly?" Zoe said, raising her brows. Madison sighed, "There's a frat party tonight and I'm not having you joining me dressed like," she looked her up and down, "that."


A/N: I basically just used this as a chapter to get my bearings with the story. I really hope you guys will like it. Make sure to vote and comment! If you think there should be any cute fluff scenes feel free to comment them and I'll add them in at one point or another. - Sky

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