Hades: hey Persephone wanna hang out
Persephone: sorry Hades i can't i have to go back to the surface
Hades: what am i supposed to do while you're on the surface
Persephone: i dunno what do you normally do when i'm gone
Hades *close to tears* wait for you to get back
Poseidon: well spring's coming around and Persephone's going to head to Olympus soon what're your plans till she's back
Hades: wallow in self pity cry with Cerberus and make myself an entire box of Kraft mac 'n cheese to make my heart hurt a little less
Hades: women are so seasonal
Persephone: .....
Hades: .....
Persephone: .......
Persephone: i literally hate you
Persephone: *walking Cerberus on a leash
Demeter: whatcha go there
Persephone *holds up her other hand* a smoothie
lore olympus as ifunny memes
Fanficmost of this are not mine and can be found on Pinterest or ig also sorry if some of these are repeated there are a lot lol {this mainly Lore Olympus but there are a few that has to do more with Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson}