The day Y/n and Leo's life changed

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      After the whole breaking arm incident Carter and Carol had no choice but to take Y/n to the ER (emergency room) Carol and Carter threatened to starve her again for another 2 weeks if she said anything about Carter being the one who broke Y/n's arm. So she had made up a story saying she broke her arm while riding her bike. Leo waited by his window watching to see when Y/n would come back, he felt so pissed at Carter but he knew he couldn't do anything about it because last time Leo told his parents about Y/n getting beaten, the Becketts made up a whole story and lied saying she was perfectly fine and was just clumsy THEN made her stay away from him for a few weeks. He hated being away from her, if he had to be honest he maybe had a little crush on her.


The next day I woke up at 6:30. (it originally had been planed for me to wake up at 6:00 but I didn't because I'm lazy af) and walked down to go make breakfast, I was kind confused how I would be able to crack an egg with one hand but once i pointed it out Carol said that 'I CoUlD fIguRe iT oUt' while I was cooking I saw an owl fly by the window but I thought maybe mum slapped me too hard and I'm just imaging it. After I was done I placed the the scrambled eggs (sorry if you don't like scrambled eggs or just don't like eggs at all) on the plates, then put the bacon on the plates. While I was poring the orange juice the toast popped up, so I also put that on the plates. My mum came down while I was washing the dishes "morning mum" I said casual like I didn't just get my fucking arm broken and slapped by my 'parents' She looked at me and opened her mouth to say something. I assumed she was going to say good morning back but instead she asked "why do you sound so happy" in my mind I was thinking of saying something like 'because its the last day of school bitch' or like 'because I just put poison in your food' while she would go in to take a bite, but me not wanting to get beat said, "no reason" as nice as I could so I didn't get her pissed. She sat down and started to eat when my dad came down and grabbed a copy of the news paper and sat down to eat. I took my plate up to my room like I normally did because mum and dad don't like when I eat with them. While I was eating I heard a knock on my window. I lived in the basement and had a window well so I looked over and saw Leo grinning and waving happily. I finally had my support buddy and was happy so I ran over and unlocked my window and let him come in. He cheered and started to jump around the room while chanting "last day of schoolll" while I was smiling. He looked down on my arm and he frowned he looked back up at my eyes and said "I'm sorry Carter did that to you" I looked at him confused on how he knew my dad did that.

He got the hint and said "I watched though my window, I really really wished I could do something about it" he took my hands in his and said "I really hate when you get hurt, but your a bad bitch so I know you know how to handle it" he chuckled while I giggled. For a minute we just stared in each others eyes. His beautiful blue eyes met my e/c ones. After a moment I broke out of his gaze and looked at my watch. I saw that the bus was almost here, I felt his eyes follow my gaze and landed on my wrist where my watch is and said "we should probably get going" I agreed and I walked to the bathroom. I changed into my outfit. (outfit down below)

I brushed my teeth and hair

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I brushed my teeth and hair. After I was done I walked out of my bathroom and saw Leo waiting patiently, when he saw I was done I grabbed my backpack and he grabbed his. We walked outside and saw the bus waiting so we got In. while we were walking down the aisle I saw people eyeing my cast. Leo sensed I was uncomfortable so he walked next to me so the cast was blocked by everyones view, I gave him a look that said 'thank you so much!' and he nodded with a smile in response. Before we sat down he raised his hand and said " I call the window seat" like a child. I laughed and motioned for him to sit in the window seat.  After a while we had made It to the school. We all got off the bus, me and Leo walked inside the school and into our classroom. Since it was the last day we didn't have to do much, at 11:00 we went outside for recess and I saw one of the kids that bullied me his name was Dudley. He must've saw me too because he started walking our way. He said "hey ass hat!" I looked over to him annoyed and said "what do you want Dudley?" he looked at Leo then at me and said "how's your date with your little boyfriend?" I got pissed because last time he brought Leo into an agurment it got physical, and I didn't want anymore bruises. "leave him out of this fucker" he obviously wasn't happy with what I said because he turned red out of anger. "what happened to your arm? did you fall off your bike again because you don't know how to ride?" he said in a baby voice while fake pouting. " don't know what happened to your face blueberry looking ass" I said back. He once again didn't like that because he started to crack his knuckles, I scoffed " you aren't going to do shit without your little minions with you, 'cause your not tough at all fatass" I said he seemed to realize that and started to look scared because he knew I could give him a black eye without trying. I started to laugh "look at this little pussy, he doesn't know who he's picking a fight with" I said to Leo, he started to laugh too, at this point Dudley is fuming with anger. He ends up giving up and walking away and started to talk trash to his minions (who are scared to come near me) about me.

After school me and Leo got on the bus and got dropped off at my house because I'm practically on house arrest. We go to my room and start to talk about our summer plans. All of a sudden we hear a screech and tapping on my window, I look at Leo and he looks just as confused as me but I love animals so I walked over to the window. Right as I was about to open it Leo said "Y/n are you CRAZY he could have rabies or something" I rolled my eyes playfully and opened the window. The owl came in and I saw two letters attached to its legs.  I grabbed the one addressed to me and Leo grabbed the one addressed to him. I looked at the front of the letter and saw that It has my exact location of my bedroom and my address. I looked at the back of the letter and saw a red wax seal with a H and a Lion, snake, badger, and eagle ( I know its supposed to be a raven for Ravenclaw but it has a picture of an eagle) I opened the letter and read:

 I looked at the back of the letter and saw a red wax seal with a H and a Lion, snake, badger, and eagle ( I know its supposed to be a raven for Ravenclaw but it has a picture of an eagle) I opened the letter and read:

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I looked over at Leo to see that he had confusion all over his face. "this must be a joke" "but who is Minerva McGonagall?" those words echoed in my head.

Whats Hogwarts? Am I really a witch? those were the exact words I kept asking myself while lying in bed trying to fall asleep. 

A/N: Hi! so its late and I have school tomorrow and my fingers are tired so this is the last page for tonight. Ill write tomorrow around 2:50 because that's when I get out of school. So bye! ILY!

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