Y/n and Leo meet the Golden Trio

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Leo and I wake up on a sunny morning at 6:30 it was a normal day until.. "ITS SEPTEMBER 1ST!" I yell and danced around the room, ever since my arm had healed (sorry I don't have the time to wait until our arm is healed) I felt free. Leo and I had already packed our trunks to get on the Hogwarts express. Leo and I got dressed and made pancakes for breakfast, after breakfast we asked Leo's parents to drive us to Kings Cross Station when we got there we had no trouble finding platform 9 3/4 because Minnie already explained that we had to run through the wall in between 9 and 10. I run through first then Leo ran through, I look at the red shiny train then to all the people who are crying while hugging their parents tightly and saying their 'goodbyes' or 'see you on Christmas's' Leo and I say goodbye to the Anderson's and Leo's little sister who I absolutely adore. Leo and I board the train and see one compartment empty so we go in there and get candy from the trolley such as Chocolates frogs, Bertie Botts every flavor beans, licorice wands, and pumpkin pastries.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

After a while we arrived at Hogwarts it was already dark and towards dinner time. A few minutes before we had made it to Hogwarts Leo and I had changed into our robes. The train came to a stop and all the students including Leo and I walked out of the train, the 2-7 year students went to the carriages (I think that's where they go if not let me know) and the first years went with a big guy named Hagrid, Hagrid lead us towards the magnificent castle and took us right outside the doors of the great hall. I heard a familiar voice say "ill take them from here Hagrid" I looked over to the stair case to see Professor McGonagall, she walks down and starts to talk "Welcome to Hogwarts, the start -of- term banquet will begin shortly, but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you're here your house will be like your family. triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking will lose you points. i'll be right back." she walked through the doors and disappeared out of sight.

"So its true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter and Y/n L/n has come to Hogwarts." a boy spoke up. He had bleach blond hair and it was slicked back with what looked like to much hair gel. The boy steps forward and walks towards Leo and I, I soon found out that I was standing next to Harry Potter. "This is Crabbe and Goyle" he nods towards the two boys (that look to big to be in first year) standing behind him like bodyguards. "and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" the ginger boy next to Potter snorts, Malfoy snaps his head towards him "think my names funny do you? no need to ask yours red hair, and a hand-me-down robe you must be a Weasley" he said Weasley with so much disgust. The ginger boy looks down In hurt and defeat, Malfoy turns towards us again and said "You"ll soon find out some wizarding families are better then others, L/n Potter you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort" his sticks his hand out in front us "I can help you there" he said again, I already was getting off some toxic vibes as soon as he spook up so I was planing on turning him down any ways "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thank you" Potter said

Malfoy look defeated but then he turned to me "what about you L/n?" I put my finger on my chin and pretended to think "hmmm let me think um No thank you" I sassed, Leo, the ginger, potter, and I smirked. Malfoy scowled hat us, Professor McGonagall came back and tapped Malfoy on the shoulder with a scroll and gave me a smile that said 'I'm proud of you' and said "follow me" she pushed the doors open and we walked over to a stool that had a hat on top of it that had patches on it and looked dirty 'Y/n's mum wouldn't want that in her house' I heard Leo say and I said "yeah she wouldn't" back to Leo, he looked at me confused and said "what did you say?" and I repeated my words and he said "who were you talking to?" and I said "you?" and he replied with "but I never said anything" I was so confused but right as I was about to answer and say 'yes you did' Professor started talking "When I call your name you will come forth and I will put this on your head" she said while holding the hat, "Hermione Granger" a bushy haired girl walked up muttering to herself "ok ok relax" "Mental that one I'm telling you" said the ginger boy next to Potter.

Hermione sat on the stool and the hat was placed on her head "GRYFFINDOR" the hat shouted, Hermione started walking to the house that was clapping the most. "Draco Malfoy" the hat didn't even touch his head before it shouted "SLYTHERIN" he smirked and sat down "Susan Bones" McGonagall said, a ginger girl sat down and was sorted into Hufflepuff. "Leo Anderson" I patted Leo on the back and said "you got this" he smiled sat down and the hat was placed on his head "GRYFFINDOR" I clapped for him he walked to the table. After a while McGonagall said "Harry Potter" he sat down and had a whole ass conversation with the hat when It finally shouted "GRYFFINDOR" the hall went wild except for the Slytherins. "Y/n L/n" the whole hall bursts in whispers, I take a deep breath and sit down. The hat took five minutes to sort me I heard people saying something about a hat stall, the hat finally said " SLY-GRYFFINDOR!" everyone went wild, even more then it did with Potter. I walked down and heard people say "But the hat never stutters" but I just chose to ignore it and sat down next to Leo. Potter was on the other side of me and said "Hi I'm Harry" he stuck his hand out "Hi I'm Y/n" we shook hands and smiled at each other.

This is where it all started.

A/N: AHHHHH so as I said this is how it all started

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