Dementors on Trains

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Harry, Hermione, Ron, Leo and Y/n were all boarding the Hogwarts Express when Mrs. Weasley voice comes "Ron! RON!" Mrs. Weasley hands Scabbers over to Ron through train the window "For goodness sakes! Don't lose him!" She shouts while waving as the train starts to go. "I didn't mean to blow her up I just lost control" Harry tells the other four while they are walking down the corridor searching for an empty compartment

"Brilliant" Ron says while Y/n and Leo are silently chuckling behind them. "Honestly Ronald it's not funny Harry's lucky he wasn't expelled" Hermione scolds Ron while shooting Y/n and Leo a dirty look that immediately shuts them up. "Im lucky I wasn't arrested" Harry says, Y/n thinks he's over exaggerating.

There is no way in hell that a 13 year old would go to Azkaban for accidentally blowing up a family member, Right?  anyway the five friends find a compartment with a man who looked really sick and had ragged clothes on leaning against the window

"Come on every else is full" Hermione says pulling the compartment door open. "Who do you think that is?" Ron asks "Professor R.J Lupin" Hermione asks while giving a slight sigh, "You know everything! How is it she knows everything?!" Ron asks being completely amazed on how she 'knows everything'

"It's on his suitcase Ronald" Hermione says obviously being tired of all the questions. For some reason when Y/n heard his name she felt warmth spread to her chest and feels like she recognizes that name.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asks no one in particular "Seems to be, why?" Y/n answers since she was the one closest to him, Harry stands up and shuts the compartment door shut making sure no one can hear the conversation they are about to have.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

"Let me get this straight Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you two?" Ron asks after Harry and Y/n tell Hermione, Ron, and Leo the conversation that they had with Mr. Weasley.

"But they'll catch Black won't they? I mean everyones looking for him" Hermione asks after they received a head nod from both Y/n and Harry "Sure, except no ones ever broken out of Azkaban before, He's a murderous lunatic"
Ron says making Y/n feel uneasy

Leo notices Y/n's hand started to shake so he held it and gave her a warm smile getting one in return, though he thinks its forced "Thanks Ron" Harry says sarcastically after noticing Y/n shift her her seat obviously questioning her life choices, all of a sudden the train makes a screeching sound as it stops making everyone rock in there seat

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione says checking her watch "We can be there yet" Y/n says also confused on why they were stopping in the middle of no where, Harry stands up looking out the compartment door to see other heads poking out the other compartment doors, the train rocks aggressively causing everyone to jump at the sudden movement and Harry to fall back in his seat

"Whats going on?!?!" Ron frantically asks, the compartment door slides open a little bit then shuts again. "I don't know, maybe we've broken down?" Leo replies after noticing that no one would answer.

All of a sudden everything gets cold and sad, Y/n starts to think about the times she was abused and her sobbing in her room. Everyone on the train feels like all the happiness is gone in the world.

"Ouch! Ron that was my foot!" Hermione slightly yells but Ron wasn't paying attention he was to busy looking out the window and is freaked out when he sees a black figure makes it way towards the train.

"Theres something moving out there" Leo whispers. The lights in the compartments went out one by one leaving it pitch black in the train "I think someones coming aboard" Ron speaks up, his voice was shaky and sounded distant.

Y/n starts breathing heavily while noticing that it was so cold that she could see the white mist of the heat coming from her mouth, the window starts to freeze and even Professor Lupins water bottle that was near the window started to freeze into ice.

You could hear the squeaking sound of someones foot steps echoing in the train corridor, the train once again rocks back and forth and causes Ron to remove his hand from the window and yell out "Bloody hell! Whats happening!?!" his voice slightly cracking.

The five Gryffindors look at the compartment door to see a Black cloaked figure come into sight, its bony and skeleton looking hand reached out and slid the compartment door open slowly and stood in the door way as it took a look at all of us in the compartment, Crookshanks hissed at the cloaked figure while Scabbers squeaked and hid in Rons jacket.

After the Black cloaked figure took a look at everyone in the compartment it turned towards Harry and Y/n and took a sharp inhale, Harry and Y/n's eyes rolled up to the back of their head. They couldn't see. They were drowning in cold. There was a rushing in their ears as though of water was clogging their ears. They were being dragged downward, The roaring was growing louder...

And then, from far away, They heard screaming, terrible, pleading, spine chilling screams. Y/n and Harry wanted nothing but to help whoever it was, They tried to move to move their arms, but couldn't.. a thick white fog was swirling around them, inside them. The last thing Y/n and Harry heard was the screams of Y/n and two other women that Harry and Y/n couldn't recognize. Then it all went black.

"Y/n! Harry! are you alright?" said a voice Y/n and Harry recognized when they slowly gained consciousness. Y/n grunted and rolled over so that she was on her back staring at the ceiling, "Thank you" Harry said quietly after he was handed his glasses by Hermione.

Y/n took a look at her surroundings and saw that Professor Lupin, Leo, Ron, and Hermione were all crouched down looking at her and Harry. "Here, eat this it will help" Professor Lupin said handing Y/n and Harry and each a piece of chocolate.

Y/n looked at it confused "Its aright it chocolate" Professor lupin said after noticing her eye the chocolate like it was a bomb or something, Y/n and Harry slowly take the chocolate and sit up straight, Harry looks around the compartment to see that the lights turned on and the train was moving again.

They both look directly at the door thinking that they would see the mysterious figure again "What- what was that thing, that came?" Harry asks then looks at Hermione and Professor thinking they would have the answer "It was a Dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban. Its gone now it was searching the train for Sirius Black" Professor Lupin asks still looking at all of them by his eyes lingering on Y/n longer, he finally looks away from her and says "Now if you'd excuse me I need to have a little word with the driver" while he says that he gets up from his seat and makes his way towards the door.

He slides it open and turns around before going out and says "Eat, you'll feel better" while pointing at the chocolate that still remains in Y/n and Harry hands. Professor Lupins shuts the door and disappears down the corridor. "What happened to us?" Harry says, "Well you both sorta went rigged.

We though you were maybe having a fit or something" Ron says looking from Harry to Y/n also noticing Y/n was just staring at the compartment floor not moving a muscle or saying anything. " And did either of you two.. you know... pass out?" Harry asks already knowing that Y/n passed out as well.

"No I felt weird though, like ill never be cheerful again" Ron replies taking his eyes off Y/n and looking at Harry, "Someone was screaming... two women" Harry says "No one was screaming Harry" Hermione replies confused. Y/n just looks out the window still being quiet.

A/N: HIIIIII so I got this done durning class because i really said screw school, anyway im writing next chapter right away because i'm in the mood to write a lot for you guys. I love you!


Savannah ❤️

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