Sirius Black

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A/N: so a quick little author note before i get started with the story, There will be other peoples POVS other than Y/n, Y/n had a BIG glowup and Y/n is a really likable person. A LOT of boys and girls have a crush on Y/n and Y/n is called the Lion Queen (practically the queen of Gryffindor) Y/n plays Quidditch (chaser) and Y/n is VERY sarcastic person and is more brave when it comes to standing up for herself to Y/n's foster bitches, and lastly Y/n is Bisexual. ok onto the book!

"NO YOU SHUT UP!" I yell to my 'Mum' who's trying to abuse me again because I yelled at her telling her that I'm tired of her. When she raised her hand to slap me she was surprised to see that I didn't flinch like I used to. After the whole Professor Quirrell and Tom Riddle stuff (daddy riddle) I wasn't scared to get hit. It doesn't even hurt when they hit me anymore its just...


Anyway this is the first time in months that mum had ever got anywhere close to slapping me because ever since I left the Daily Prophet on the kitchen table they are kinda scared to hit me, not because it reminded them that I'm a witch because they knew I couldn't use magic outside of school, it was because of Sirius Black. Lets go back a few weeks ago

~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~

it was just a normal morning my 'Dad' coming home drunk and stuff like that, I was sitting at the kitchen table eating and reading the Daily Prophet about how Sirius Black just recently escaped from Azkaban and stuff like that and the post came so I went to grab it when I came back I saw my 'mum' and 'dad' standing at the kitchen table looking at the moving picture of Sirius Black. "What are you doing?" I asked them confused, they slowly looked up and seemed truly frightened. For a few days I kept trying to tell them that i'm not at all related to a murder and that I already know that my Mum and Dad were murdered by Voldemort that exact night the Potters were murdered, according to everyone I'm the 'Girl Who Lived' because Harry and I defeated Voldemort and the killing curse. No matter how hard I tried they kept saying that I "Look like him" and that I have "His smile" and "His nose" so I just ignored them.

~~~~~~END OF FLASH BACK~~~~~~

She slapped me right across the face "I HATE YOU, NO WONDER WHY 'DAD' IS CHEATING ON YOU!!" I just said the 'dad' was cheating on 'Mum' so I could get to her, although I'm pretty sure he was cheating I didn't care. She looked furious and started talking about how I didn't deserve to have a family. "YOUR WORTHLESS" she said, I didn't care at all to be honest because that seemed to be her only comeback right now, even though it didn't hurt or anything I still felt furious so I did what I had to do, SLAP this time I slapped her "DID YOU JUST SLAP ME!?!?!" all of a sudden I heard a growl, I look to my right to see a black big dog growling at not me but my evil foster mum. She ran in the house screaming, while I just stared intensely at the dog, I don't know why but it felt so familiar and would've sworn I remember seeing a dog like that when I was a baby. I snapped out of my gaze when I hear my 'mum' grabbing my trunk and saying to leave, I looked at her and said "finally I get to leave this horrible place" I run to my room and grab O/n and then grab my wand. I rush out of my room and outside and sat on the sidewalk, once again I heard a whine and I turned to see the black dog I saw when I got in the fight with my 'mum', it nudged its head in my shoulder and then looked in my eyes. The dog put its paw on my shoulder. I smiled and said "Well aren't you cute" After a while of just talking to the dog I got up and started to walk to Leo's house.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

After staying with Leo for a few days we got and owl from Ron and Hermione saying that they are staying at the leaky cauldron until we go back to Hogwarts. I already had all my things packed so I helped Leo pack his truck. After that we took Floo Powder to the leaky cauldron and right as we got there we heard two people who sounded like an old married couple arguing, and I immediately recognized them of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, They finally came into view and I saw 'Mione holding a big fluffy cat that's face was smushed in her arms while Ron held his stupid rat scabbers close to his chest.

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