XXXVI. Hierarchy

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Regulus and Sirius Black walked along Platform 9 ¾ in silence. Walburga and Orion were trailing close behind them, still trying to give off the appearance of an esteemed family. Of course, everyone on the platform could tell that this wasn't true, just based off of the Gryffindor tie that was draped loosely 'round Sirius Black's neck. No, a Gryffindor in the Black family would never be seen as esteemed to them.

Regulus was walking as far away from Sirius as he could, while still staying within the perimeters that their parents wanted them to stay in. He didn't want to have to look at him. He didn't want to be around him. He just wanted to leave his parents, find Barty, and go back to Hogwarts.

That's all he wanted.

Regulus couldn't stand to be around his brother. Sirius had made the choice. He had made the last, official choice. Granted, Regulus had pushed him into it, but it would've happened anyways. Regulus just preferred that it happen sooner rather than later. He knew now that there was little to no chance of them ever being close again, at least not as close as they had been before. And Regulus was trying to act like it didn't break his heart.

"Have a good rest of term, Regulus," Walburga said, placing a hand on her son's shoulder to turn him 'round.

"I will, mother," Regulus said.

He heard Sirius scoff beside him, but he ignored it. Orion looked at Regulus with his normal, cold expression, his eyes bearing into Regulus's.

"Do what you're supposed to," he said.

Regulus nodded. He could feel Sirius's eyes on him. "I will," Regulus responded.

Orion nodded his head, and Walburga raised her chin to stare down at her two sons regally. "Off you go," and she shooed them away.

Regulus was expecting Sirius to break off immediately to go find his friends, but he didn't. Instead, when they were out of eye and ear shot from their parents, Sirius gripped Regulus's arm and dragged him off to a non-crowded part of the platform.

"Hey!" Regulus protested, trying to wrench his arm from that of his brother. "Let me go!"

"No," Sirius snapped, not even looking at his struggling brother as he dragged him through the crowd.

When he reached the location - the furthest point at the end of the platform that the two could get without leaving it completely - Sirius stopped and spun 'round so he was facing Regulus.

"What was he talking about?" he demanded.

Regulus jerked his arm out of Sirius's grip. "What do you mean?" Regulus shot back, his voice cold.

"Father? Just now? He said to do what you're supposed to? What the bloody hell was he talking about?"

"Oh, I don't know, probably just not to become a stupid blood traitor like you," Regulus snapped.

"You know damn well that that's not what he meant," Sirius retorted. "What. Did. He. Mean?"

Regulus rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Like I would tell you. Thought you didn't want to be brothers anymore? Which means that what father meant is none of your ruddy business."

Sirius glared at him, and his eyes flickered to Regulus's left arm for but a second. Without warning, he reached out, gripped his left wrist, and yanked the sleeve of Regulus's knit Quidditch jumper up.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Regulus demanded, trying to pull his wrist out of Sirius's grip.

Sirius stared at his left forearm suspiciously. There was no Dark Mark. Regulus knew what he was looking for. He took the moment of surprise from his brother and wrenched his wrist from his hand, pulling his sleeve back down.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now