CXII. I, Heart, U

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Regulus Black arrived in the Astronomy Tower after he had finished the turns that he had carefully calculated.

The morning sun was shining brightly through the gaps in the stone, and Regulus was momentarily worried that he hadn't moved at all. Though there was only one way to find out, wasn't there?

Regulus took the time-turner off from around his neck and shoved it into his pocket, intent on never seeing that little golden mechanism ever again. Though he still wanted to keep it on his person just in case he made it down to the Great Hall or the common room, and he hadn't changed a thing. In that case, Regulus would need to look at it for perhaps one more time.

Regulus was practically jogging on his way down to the Great Hall, hoping that it just so happened to be a mealtime. Regulus knew that it was a Saturday (technically, it was the day after Sirius's sentencing) and so he was hopeful that most everyone had chosen the tack of a late breakfast.

When he reached the first floor and was approaching the staircase that led to the entrance hall, the chatter that filled his ears told him that he was right. He could not, however, hear the obnoxiously loud marauders that seemed to plague (or, used to plague; he wasn't sure that they would anymore) every single mealtime. This made Regulus a bit worried, and he shoved his hand into his pocket to run his finger along the chain of the time-turner nervously.

He didn't pause outside of the Great Hall. No, he knew that there was no point in delaying whatever discoveries he would inevitably make, and so he didn't give it a second thought.

Upon entering, he didn't spare any of the other tables a second glance. Instead, he looked right for the Gryffindor table, scanning it up and down with his eyes, dread festering in his stomach with every second that he did not see his brother.

Though, with the first difference that he noticed, he felt relief wash over him like a wave. James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin were all sitting together in their normal spot. Remus Lupin was quiet, pushing his food absently around his plate and staring at it with a blank expression. James and Peter were sitting across from him, both trying to crack jokes and cheer him up from whatever rut he was apparently in.

Regulus felt his heart wrench when he checked around the group and noticed that Sirius wasn't there. Had he still been sentenced to Azkaban? Was he in a cell at the Ministry, trying to stay sane and reflecting upon the mistake that Regulus Black had not fixed?

But then, just as his panic was reaching a new height, he saw James Potter shoot a glance down the table. Regulus followed his line of sight, and he felt something that he could only describe as the most relief that he had felt in years.

Sirius Black was sitting a ways down the table, away from the other marauders and in much the same state as Remus Lupin. Mary Macdonald was sat beside Sirius, looking at him with what Regulus could only describe as empathy in her eyes. Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, and Dorcas Meadowes were all sitting across from him, trying to do what James and Peter were - to cheer him up.

Regulus felt involuntary and unexpected tears spring to his eyes at the mere sight of his brother. He was out of Azkaban - he wasn't sitting in a dirty cell, being forced to relive the worst moments of his life until the day that he died. No, he was here. He may not be happy, but he was there, and that was enough for Regulus.

He didn't even have time to think it over before his mind forced him to act.

Regulus hastened towards the Gryffindor table, intent on doing one thing and one thing alone. Several people stopped in their conversation when they noticed the determination on the face of the younger Black brother, expecting to see a fight of some sort about to take place. James Potter stopped in his joking as Regulus passed, following him cautiously with his eyes, ready to act if a fight broke out. Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew looked at him with far less caution but equal interest.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now