CIII. Orion Black's Study

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CW: homophobia

Orion Black had a study. This study was always kept carefully locked by spells that a simple Alohamora could not undo; he did not want anyone to go inside. For, inside of this study, there were several things that he needed to keep away from his sons.

One example of the things that he hid in this study was the poison that he had used in his attempt to kill Milo Black three years before. But, aside from his assorted collection of poisons that he kept for whatever situation may call for them, there were other things. One thing in particular, though, was guarded more heavily than anything else.

He knew that if this particular thing were to get into the wrong hands, it would be disastrous. This small, singular item held far too much power; so much power, in fact, that Orion Black himself had never even considered using it. He simply kept it stowed away, out of the eyes of everyone in the home - not even Walburga Black knew that it was there.

However, on 4 December, Regulus Black found it.

He had been sent upstairs by his mother to get his father. After all, Orion was the one who was to be taking Regulus back to King's Cross, solely because Walburga was busy with business for the Dark Lord. Regulus ascended the staircase from where he had been having breakfast with his mother in the dining room (Regulus was quite confused when these odd family meals kept going, even after Regulus was no longer getting his Dark Mark over the summer. But, just based on this and the fact that his parents hadn't used the Cruciatus on him when he returned from his time with Christian, he assumed that they didn't know this just yet).

He let out a yawn, not used to waking up as early as it was. He also, admittedly, had not gotten the best sleep the night before. It was not because of his depression (and yes, he had started to label it as that), but because he had been doing every single piece of holiday homework that he had been assigned and had neglected.

Regulus and Christian had talked to great extents on New Year's Eve (technically New Year's Day) about steps that Regulus should take to get better. Regulus had told Christian about how he had simply forced himself to do things last time, and Christian said that he thought it sounded like something that Regulus should continue if he wanted to. So, Regulus had decided that that was exactly what he would do. It might have seemed impossible to get out of bed at times, but he would force himself to do it. In any case, it served as a good distraction from his negative thoughts. Of course, it was only one of the first steps, and there were still many more to come. However, for now, it was working well enough.

At the very least, he had minimal thoughts of pushing his parents to the brink of killing their only redeemable heir. And, when he did have them, it was far too late in the night to act upon them. It didn't seem like much of an improvement, but to Regulus, it truly was.

He had checked everywhere upstairs; the drawing-room, the library, the parlor. The only room left was his father's study, but he knew that he had little chance of getting into it. But, if his father was inside, perhaps he could just knock and he would answer the door.

Regulus approached the door warily, raising his fist and rapping lightly on it. When no response came, he knocked a bit louder. "Father?" No response. "Father, mother asked me to come get you? You have to take me to the station to go back to school?" Still, no one answered.

Regulus sighed, ready to go back downstairs and tell his mother that he simply could not find his father. However, he paused. Perhaps his father just couldn't hear him. But, if he was in there, maybe the door would be unlocked and Regulus could go in...

He walked back to the door with nerves building inside of himself. He reached for the doorknob but paused to look around and be sure that no one was around and looking at him. When he was certain, he gripped the door handle and twisted it.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now