XC. Quidditch Trials

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Hello!! I've been doing very good, as well. Well, I suppose that very good is not exactly how I would choose to describe it. But, I am not doing as bad as I could be, and I, personally, believe that that is a plus.
I'm glad that you're doing well, that's very good! Don't worry about not writing to me - you were busy, I get it.
We also started school on 1 September - I never knew that the schools started on the same day, that's very interesting. How is your school year going so far? You're a fifth year, right?
Mine's going well. I just started fourth year, obviously, and it's been alright so far. We have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but that's nothing out of the ordinary. We've had a different teacher each year, see. People say that the position is cursed, and I think I'm starting to believe them.
Our other teachers have been... very interesting. But, this one is absolutely awful. He's rude, and he doesn't let us use our wands in class ever, and he just has us writing all of these stupid essays and taking notes all of the time. And I get it - it's part of a learning process. But, I think it's a little unnecessary, how rude he is about it.
On the first day of classes, I went to breakfast without changing out of my pyjamas because I was coming from the Astronomy Tower rather than my dorm, and he took like twenty points from my house because of it! It was so unfair! And, to top it off, our Potions Professor is out for a while, so we have a substitute Professor for the time being (he's actually very nice, I like him quite a lot). But, the Potions teacher is the Slytherin Head of House. So, now that Slughorn is gone for a little bit, the Defense teacher took over as Head of House! It's so awful! I'm just glad that I'm not a fifth year - I couldn't imagine having to do the career advice talk with him.
Other than that, my year has gone ok. It's not been the best, but it's been ok.
I hope you're doing well! I miss you, too, just so you know. Perhaps we can see each other again over the summer?

P.S. You're not that good of a kisser, don't get too ahead of yourself.

What do you mean you are not doing very good? Are you alright? Would you like to write about it - it could help.
I am very sorry to hear about your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. He does not seem like a very gentil, and that is not very good. What do you mean he does not allow you to use your wands? At all? Or, is he just explaining the theory aspect of your spells first?
I am also sorry to hear that he is your Head of House - that cannot be very pleasant. You are quite right - at least you do not need to have a carrière conversation with him.
I have been doing well. As I said, I have been catching up with my friends (you did not include your friends in your last letter - is everything alright?), and it has been very pleasant. It is certainly very nice being able to see them again.
Mes classes are going well, as well. Oui, I am just starting my fifth year of school. As I'm sure you understand, it is very busy, what with upcoming exams. Pourtant, it is manageable, and I am just glad that I can find enough time in my schedule to write to you.
I agree that we should see one another over the summer! I miss you, and I hope that you are doing better!

Avec amour,
Christian A. Thibodeaux
P.S. I am not getting ahead of myself, I think that you just have a hard time admitting that I am a better kisser than you.
P.S.S. What does the A stand for in your initials? Mine stands for Augustin - chosen after mon père, obviously.

I'm fine - it was nothing. Just a bad few days, I s'pose. I'm doing better, though.
My friends and I are having a bit of a falling out right now. My best mate - Barty Crouch Jr. - is trying to become friends with someone who I do not believe would be a very good influence on him. I'm trying to look out for him, and he just keeps getting angry every time I bring it up. At this point, I think I'll just leave it alone. My other friends are doing alright, I s'pose. We don't really spend time together that often - we just sort of occasionally wave at one another in passing and spend time together every once in a while.
On the topic of friends, I s'pose I should talk about Sirius. I know that you asked about him in your first letter, and it must have slipped my mind.
Things are alright. We haven't gotten into any fights, at the very least. In fact, we haven't really spoken at all. I see him in the Great Hall for meals, and very occasionally in passing, but we don't really speak. Though, he has been giving me odd looks lately - I don't know what that's about.
I've been spending a lot of time by myself since we returned to school. But, no company is better than bad company, I s'pose. So at least there's that.
Are your classes really difficult? What classes are you looking to take for your career as a Professor? Have your parents given in yet, or do they still not want you to go into that branch?
Hope you're doing well!

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