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Marinette pov
Im Sooo excited ever since I took Jay Jays hamster out of his hiding place me and him would hang out in the secret garden and video chat on out mum's phones. Yesterday when me and Jay Jay were talking we scheduled a playdate so he's coming to my house

Big I know and yes that's a helicopter but when  you have the money I guess you        can do things I went and took a shower and changed   into a cute outfit

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Big I know and yes that's a helicopter but when  you have the money I guess you        can do things I went and took a shower and changed   into a cute outfit. I walked to the kitchen to see what mama and dad were making in the kitchen for the play date and everything looked sooooo good

Well it's more of a pool party me and him are gonna swim our parents are gonna sit and watch us while they chat

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Well it's more of a pool party me and him are gonna swim our parents are gonna sit and watch us while they chat.

Jason pov 
I can't wait I have a playdate with Marinette
In half an hour her house is surprisingly close its just 2 minutes away which I'm obviously super glad for. After I got ready  and changed we drove to her house. Wow, it's so big we jumped out of the car and I saw Pixie open the door and run to me at the same time I ran to her and we met in the middle and hugged. And then her parents came out and both out parents gushed on how cute we are. Then we walked inside and wow her house was nice. Once we got there we went to her room
(A/n the picture is at the top and so is Jasons) she showed me her trophies and  she had a lot like 100 for her small age and her wall was filled of drawings

It was so pretty she started teaching me and I was good but I could only copy pictures rather than using my imagination.

Mari: so jay what do you wanna do before we swim
Jay: Im not sure
Mari: how about you teach me a language how many do you know again
Jason: all, I started learning since I was 3
Marinette: wow
So we spent the rest of the afternoon practicing languages I know a super easy way so we were able to learn 2
Mari: wow thanks Jay
Jay: no problem Pixie
After learning she pulled me to the bed and we lied together she had her head in my chest and my arm was around her. I love my  Pixie pop as a sister
Jay: so Pixie whats your favourite book
Mari: I like Robin Hood. What about you?
Jay: I like 'that time I got kidnapped' it's a really good book
Wesley: kids come down let's go to the pool
Mari : coming
Then she took me to a spare bedroom to change and she changed

Mari pov
I changed into a two piece swim suit I might be a child but I'm really ripped I have a six pack  and I have a 8 pack forming and I'm super strong. Knock knock.
Mari: come in
I said as I pulled a dress cover over my head, then Jason came in with a swimming shorts and guess what he almost had a six pack
Jason: what you looking at
Mari: you almost have a six pack
Jason: yep. I work out once a week
Mari: weekling
Jason: what do you mean
Mari: you'll see
He looked confused but I just pulled him out of the room to the pool and down to the pool it was big with slides he looked shocked
Jason: wow Pixie your pool is big
Mari: thanks
Our parents set pool chairs by the snack table
Delilah: kids come here
We went to her and ate snacks and talked and laughed while our parents would pop in and tell us funny stories too
Mari: come on jay jay let's swim
Jason: ok 
Then I took of my dress cover and Jason and his parents jaws dropped to the ground 
Jason: wow
And they started saying I was so ripped
Then I pulled Jason and told our mum to take pictures as memories
Mari: hey jay do you know how to do a backflip
Jason: yep
Mari: cool let's do one in to the pool
Then we backfliped into the pool  and our mums took pictures

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