Gone !!!

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Marinette pov

No this has to be a dream, th they can't be gone this can't be happening
I look over to Jason and he's also balling his eyes off, I realise he's in as much pain as I am so I run to hug and luckily he hugged back .
Mari : I'm sorry this is my fault I brought them. I'm so sorry Jason

Jason: No it's not your fault. And I'm sorry this happened on your birthday.

Jason's pov

I was crying on the floor thinking of what happened and then suddenly I felt arms around me I was about to push them of until I saw it was Mari , she also lost her parents so pulled her in for a hug, poor Pixie on her birthday. And (A/N my teacher can't tell me don't start a sentence with and on Wattpad ) then she started apologising

Jason: no it's not your fault and I'm sorry this happened on your birthday

Mari: it's ok , can we just go home , you can bring your stuff to my house.

Jason: ok

So we rode our bikes to my house and put one backpack in each of our baskets and one on our backs. We would of stayed with our parents, but nobody knows that were their children they always lied and said we were their niece/nephew.

Author pov 🐱🐶🐷🦊🦄🐮🐨🐍🐪🦇🦈🐠🐡🦐🦀🦑🐙🐦🦔🐾🕸️🦋🐞🐝🐌🦗🐜🦃🦅🐆🐩🐈🐕🐁🐸🐹🐨

Sorry abt that ⬆️ I love animals

So the two children went home and cried with each other until they fell of to sleep. Luckily Marinette and Jason loved cooking so they managed with food. If they needed to buy something they would take their parents card because they were the richest people in the world!

Ok sorry for the short chapter. Look at the hedgehog he is so cute he's just sitting in there with his mouth open having a ball

Also I joined the secret whisper app, it is a bit creepy but it's also cool so if you want to you can anonymously message me , the link is on my about page

If you tap on that it will take you to the link  thank you too justanotherweirdo-_- for introducing me too the app

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