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Marinette pov

Me and Jason continued walking around in the park when we saw a little boy about my age crying on the floor

Marinette: are you OK? 
I asked and put my hand on his shoulder he looked up at me with wide eyes.

???: who are you
Marinette: I'm Marinette and that's Jason
Jason: hi,are you OK? Where's your parents ?
???: My parents.... th.they di.died in a fire.

He said as the tears rolled down his face.

Jason pov

I felt bad for the boy he looked one year older that pixie pop. I thought for a while and decided that he's just like us and doesn't have any parents so I came to the conclusion that I'm going to raise him up with pixie pop. It was going to be hard but we'll get through it. I look over and see the boy getting along with pixie pop, slowly but surely getting rid of his tears.

Jason: what's you're name kiddo?
???: Nino
Marinette: neenaw?
He giggled and said
Nino: no silly Nino
He said and pronounced it slowly .

He said shyly

Marinette: well that's a unique name. I'm Marinette, nice to meet you

Nettie said with a smile

Jason: hi Nino, I'm Jason.
Nino: hi nice to meet you
Jason: do you have anywhere to go?
Nino: no, I only knew my parents.

Me and pixie looked at each other than nodded

Marinette: why don't you come stay with us? Only if you'd like to tho

Nino pov

I was sitting, crying on the ground when these two people came to me, a girl who looked around my age and an older boy. They started to talk to me and I was soon starting to feel better. They asked me if I wanted to go home with them and I thought about it for a while, they seemed nice enough not to do anything to me, right?I decide to give it a try, I could always run away if something happened

Nino: I guess I could give living with you a try
Jason: that's great!
Marinette: yes! I'm finally getting a fun brother to play with
Jason: hey!

We all started laughing

I could get used to this, I thought with a smile

I know, I know this is a short chapter. I will update when I get more time, hopefully next week. I've been quite a bit busy lately.

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