Dont leave me...please

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Nino pov

It's been a week since I've moved into Marinette and Jason's house. They've treated me like family and I can't be more happy with my life. Jason's been teaching me to fight and many different languages. Sometimes I remember my parents but Marinette and Jason always come to the rescue bringing me ice cream, my favourite movies and comforting words to make me feel better.

Marinette pov

Jason: NO Marinette thats unfairrrr
Marinette: haha I beat you again

I said while laughing, I'm the MASTER of video games and nobody has ever beaten my high score I'm the best at this game!

As Jason and I were playing with Nino, we were suddenly interested by a knock on the door

Jason: I'll get it!

Jason said and went to get the door while Nino and I stayed in the living room playing out games when suddenly a woman in a white shirt and pencil skirt came in, her heels tapping against the wooden flooring. She looked at us and the walked around the house, inspecting everything. She came back and explained to us that we have been reported to childcare services because we were out without supervision for a long time. She asked us questions about how we were managing all this time and Nino and I stayed quite while Jason answered the questions. She caught on that we weren't interested and asked Jason if she could talk to him in the other living room while we stayed and played games.

Nino and I played games for a long time until they came back in the room. I looked up and saw Jason crying and looking back at me with a sad expression.

(Cindy is the ladies name)
Cindy: I have discussed it with your brother and since you cannot live alone, I have decided to split you up between different families. The two of you will be going to France, while Jason will be staying here.
Marinette:  no! You're joking right? can't split us up! We're family
Nino : she's right please don't do this, find us a family where we can all be together
Jason: it's final guys, I'll miss you both so so much I love you guys

We all hugged together and Jason pulled away, giving both of us a separate hug. I wish I could stop the tears from falling to stay strong Jason, but unfortunately that wasn't working. Jason wiped my tears and walked up to his room to pack his bag. Nino and I hugged once more before going to our rooms to pack our bags with heavy hearts.

Jason pov

I promised Marinette and Nino I would protect them to the best of my abilities so I've decided to let them stay together while I stay on the other side of the world. As hard as it is to stay away from them, I know it's the best for all of us. I just hope they'll be okay and safe. After I packed my bags I looked at my room for the last time before walking downstairs. I hugged the last of my family before asking to speak to Cindy, asking her if we could keep the house till we're older which she said yes to. I went to the car outside waiting for me and silently cried while I watched Marinette and Nino wave while crying non stop.

They'll be safe, I've taught them well i thought as I drove to the next stop

Omgggg it's been so long since ive updated! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for supporting me and leaving all the kind comments. They really make my day and make me feel special.  I appreciate and love you all ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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