Pixies bday

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A/n there will be violence in this. If you skip the chapter you will miss slot, but if you skip the violence you won't miss anything. There will be a warning in bold so be aware

Mari pov

Today is my birthday and I'm soooooooooo excited. I go downstairs to see mum, dad and Jason. Wait Jason
Mari: Jason
I screamed and hugged him
He chuckled and ruffled my hair
Jason: hello my  little Pixie
He said and kissed my cheek and picked me up and took me too my mum and dad pecked my cheek one more time and my mum and dad wished me then Jay Jays parents and they wished me than I ran back to Jason and he picked me back up

Mum: Mari aren't you a but heavy for Jason
Mari: no I'm not. Right Jay
Jason:right as always Pixie pop
He said and winked at me And I giggled
Dad: let's go open your presents shall we
I nodded and we went into the lounge.

Mari:wow there is so much
I said and they laughed at my expression
Jason put me down and I opened my presents from mum and dad and Jay Jays mum and dad

and then Jay   
Jay came to me  with 3 presents.

Liliana: you know Mari he bought you everything with his own money
Mari: *gasp* aww Jay Jay you didn't need to you already taught me so much and have me your friendship
Jason: Awww Pixie your Soo sweet you make my heart melt
He gave me the first one it was a Hood
Jason: I got us matching hoods
They were both black his said 'robin hood' and mine said 'red hood'
I ran to give him a bigggggggggg hug and I kissed him on the cheek
Then he gave me the next one it was a camera
Mari: *gasp* Jay this is too expensive
I said and passed it to him
Jason: no Pixie you deserve expensive
Then he told me to open the next one and inside was a bag of food and there was no writing so I didn't know what it was for

Mari: what's this
Jason: close your eyes
I closed my eyes and felt something on my lap. I opened my eyes and I saw


I started crying and Jay Jay hugged me and wiped my tears

Jason : what are you gonna name it
Mari: what about , jasonette
Our parents laughed
Jason: interesting
Mum: let's go to the new water park
Mari and Jay : yayyyyyy
We both said at the same time and giggled
And then we realised our parents recorded everything. So we tried to catch there phones so we could delete it. Then we gave up and changed and went to the water park
As soon as we walked in we went straight to the slides and went on after a long time of playing we got hungry  and went to eat.
* Violence now skip if you have to*
We finished eat and then all of a sudden we heard
??? : Hands up now
Me and Jason looked at our parents and the pulled us behind them protecting us and then
That was it they shot our parents and ran
*It ended now . So basically what happend was jasonettes parents were shot*

So that's it for today. Does anyone have a good jasonette sibling daminette ship book for me

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