Chapter 5: Truth revealed

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A/N: Hey everyone, Just wanting to let you know I created this chapter so we can see Sirius and Remus in a relationship, so this is just tying up few things and fluff. The next chapter to come out will be my last chapter so I hope you all like this chapter. 


James, Regulus, Sirius and Remus were all sitting at a table in the three broomsticks, Peter had said that he wanted to look for something in Honey dukes and these guys could wait for him. Sirius had his arm around Remus' shoulders and Remus was snuggling into Sirius. "How come you guys can be all cuddly and affectionate?" James said, bothered by that fact. Sirius raised his eyebrows at James. "Because Reg is my little brother and it's weird" Sirius said with an isn't that obvious tone. "You two are my best friends. It's weird for me to see" James whined. "He's my brother, it's weirder," Sirius said, shrugging at what James was saying. James grinned at Sirius, then with his pointing finger gently placed it on the side of Regulus' jaw and gently pushed his head so he was now facing James, James then planted a slow and affectionate kiss on Regulus's lips and then pulled away smirking at Sirius. Sirius made gagging noises. "And you're my older brother and I don't care what you do with Lupin," Regulus said upset by the fact that James used him to taunt Sirius and that he did have a little desire to be affectionate with James. Before Sirius could say something stupid Remus had removed Sirius' arm off of his shoulders and had gotten up. "Would you like to go to the book shop with me?" Remus kindly smiled at Regulus. "I would like that" Regulus got up. When Regulus and Remus got to the side of the table Remus looked at James and Sirius who were shocked by the sudden development. "You both are acting childish, think about what your actions have caused by the time we come back" Remus said, turning his back on them and leaving before they could say anything back. Peter looked at both Regulus and Remus walking out in question. "What's wrong with them?" Peter asked innocently. "Nothing," Sirius and James said in unison upset that Remus and Regulus left. Peter raised his eyebrow at both of them but decided he really didn't want to know so he just sat down next to James.

Remus and Regulus walked to the book store in silence together just enjoying each other's company, after both boys bought a book Remus turned to face Regulus. "I know that James and Sirius can be childish sometimes but they don't mean to hurt you, I know that Sirius still thinks of you as the brother he needs to protect and James he just didn't like how he couldn't show his affection" Remus smiled at Regulus. Regulus sighed. "I know that but I'm not someone Siri needs to protect and I'm definitely not someone for James to use to taunt Siri" Regulus said frustrated. "I know that, you know that, we just have to wait for them to notice and I'm sure they're already trying to figure it out, they don't seem like it but they're smart boys" Remus said playfully nudging Regulus' side. Regulus smiled at Remus. As they were getting closer to the three broomsticks they saw James talking with Lily and Regulus froze. He knew that James cared for him and didn't like Lily anymore like that but still Regulus didn't like it. "I'm sure it's nothing," Remus said, placing a comforting hand on Regulus' shoulder. "And I'm sure that is nothing as well" Regulus said pointing in the direction of Sirius. Sirius was standing in front of the entrance of the three broomsticks with Marlene who had her hand on his biceps and was too close for comfort. "I'm sure you're right," Remus said as he grabbed his wand. "But you know just to be safe" Remus tapped the snow on the ground and three snow balls went zooming at Sirius. "What the hell" Sirius said looking for the person who did it. Regulus chuckled, mimicking what Remus did but hitting James. "Just to be safe" Regulus said looking at Remus. Both boys started to laugh when Sirius and James realised who did it, James and Sirius' face went blank, it was really hard for Remus and Regulus to hold in the laughter. "Thank Lily but I need to go and talk to someone now" James politely smiled and started to head towards Remus and Regulus. Sirius did as well. "One of our teachers had forgotten to explain something to our class and Lily came to tell us, I swear that's all" James said hugging Regulus. Regulus felt guilty that he had to make James explain himself, he knew how much James loved him, like come on he took a curse for him. "I'm sorry, this love thing is new to me" Regulus said wrapping his arms around James. "I've never felt like this for anyone but you, so I get it" James said, stepping back a bit. James gently lifted up Regulus head and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "Ugh" Sirius said, shaking his head but stopped when he got a good look at Remus. "I promise she slipped and I just caught her" Sirius said with his hands up. "And you couldn't have taken a step back once she was balanced and told her to stop feeling you up?" Remus said with his arms across his chest. Remus knew that Sirius would never do anything to hurt him but he thought it would be funny to let Sirius stew a bit. Sirius was about to say something but Peter placed his hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Sirius you're not going to win this argument, even I can see that, you should just get on your knees now and apologise". Sirius looked at Peter and then at Remus, Sirius moved a couple of spaces so he was in front of Remus and went on his knees and apologised. "You goof" Remus said affectionately tapping Sirius on his head. Regulus looked at Peter and thought maybe he should reassess what he thought about him, Peter has been showing Regulus a bit more of his brave side. "We should be heading out now," James said, slipping his hand down and grabbing hold of Regulus'. Sirius got up and put his arm around Remus' shoulders and all five of them started heading back to Hogwarts.

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