Chapter 3: True family

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The Potters said goodbye to the five boys as they entered the train. As they were making their way to the Marauder's usual carriage, someone grabbed Regulus' wrists, Regulus stiffen at the contact. When they turned around to see who had done it, a boy with long greasy hair and a big nose stood there looking at Regulus. "Our carriage is this way," Severus said sneering at the people behind Regulus. " Let go, Snivellus, he's coming with us," James said pulling Regulus behind him. "So, what Evans said no to you, so you're trying to get back in good graces with the purebloods by trying to shag the most notorious pureblood for hating mudbloods and muggles. Maybe you'll have better luck if you tried the older Black, since you guys are in the same league and all" Severus mocked. "What" James and Sirius said about to grab Snape but Remus caught Sirius and Regulus caught James pulling him back. "I'll come with you, Severus" Regulus said stepping towards Snape. "Well Potter, Sirius, Lupin and Pettigrew, have a good day" Regulus winked at them as he went with Severus. James was about to go after them but Peter quickly grabbed him. The Marauders made their way to their carriage once they were all in, James slammed shut the door. "That damn git going off with Snivellus, he actually had the gall to wink at me and did you see the way Snivellus was walking really close to Regulus, like doesn't he know personal space, he'll drop all his grease over him," James said as he paced the carriage. "Shouldn't I be the one pacing and getting mad since he is my brother" Sirius said watching him pace . "Plus I think that wink was at all of us," Peter said attempting to break James' illusion. But James ignored them both. "I'm pretty sure Regulus went with Severus because he didn't want to get hexed everyday or killed while he was in Slytherin house and the way he looked when Severus said he was notorious for pureblood shit, Regulus looked so ashamed and hurt that I'm pretty the wink meant I'll see you later, I'm fine" Remus said attempting to reason with James. James felt bad for getting angry but he didn't like they way Regulus left them and allowed Severus to be close to him. "So you do think he winked at me" James said looking on the bright side. The three Marauder all sighed at James' hopelessness.

They all went into the great hall for the usual welcome home from the holiday dinner. All the while James kept watch over the table of green and silver. As the Marauders made their way to the dorm. James went on a rant. "Did you see how close Snivellus was sitting next to Regulus and I'm sure Regulus was looking at me at one point". Sirius sighed as he opened the door to their dorm. "I'm sure there wasn't any room on the table and Reg must have" Sirius stopped in his comforting when he spotted a black fox sitting on James' bed. "Reg?" Sirius asked shocked causing the three others to look at the black fox. "Took you guys awhile" Regulus said changing back into a human. "How?" Sirius said not sure this was a dream or reality. Regulus pointed to his nose. "I followed some first year girls who didn't even notice me, like I said to you oddly enough you don't get caught if you're an animal. Anyway, I followed your guys' smell since in my fox form it enhances my smells but I when I got to your room the smells started to mix so I wasn't sure if this was your bed Siri" Regulus said pointing to the bed he was sitting on. Sirius just shook his head and then pointed to James. Regulus blushed getting up from the bed. "Anyway I just came to say that I was fine, that I told Severus that I was spying on you guys but I still think he is still going to follow me around because he's jealous, we need to be careful" Regulus informed them. "Jealous?" James arched his eyebrow. "I could be too full of myself but there is a small chance he might fancy me since he has been sticking closer to me since bumping into us in the train" Regulus shrugged his shoulders. James blood boiled he knew something was up with Snape and now he was trying to get close to Regulus, James did not like that one bit. "Then why don't you just stay here" James said stepping closer to Regulus. "Potter you're cute for thinking that but look at the colours of my robe and your's" Regulus pulling the green part of his robe then James' red part of his robe to prove his point. "You should be wearing these robes not those" James said trying to convince Regulus to stay and not be near Snape. "Thanks, but I'm not as brave as all of you guys including Pettigrew, we just need to be careful when meeting that's all" Regulus said transforming into his fox form and scampering off ending any protests. James was about to run after Regulus but Sirius had taken a deep breath. "He called you cute" James froze then turned to look at Sirius. "He did call me cute and I'm pretty sure he did mean to sit on my bed" James said gushing over Regulus. Remus gave Sirius a thumbs up telling him he did a good job on stopping James. Peter just face palmed at how easy it was in stopping James. Remus leaned close to Sirius. "James knows that fussing over someone calling him cute, sitting on his bed and someone else being too close to that person isn't him trying to be friends with that person, he does know that right?" Remus whispered to Sirius hoping that his friend wasn't so hopeless. "Nope, Moony, no he does not" Sirius said looking at the person he considered his brother all star struck.

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