The Gman?

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No update and continuation,quite sad but I get it.
I'll explain later what happened to me past three months(four?),now let's get this story finished for sake of you guys:])

Gordon and Adrian burst out from Angel room,falling down to the ground.they seems to be covered in sweat and know where does the fluids coming from.Charlie rush over to see what's going on and give them a disgusted face,what kind of orgy happened there she doesn't want to know or ask about it.Angel can be seen standing up behind them on the door,chuckling like a horny bastard he is.

"Charlie you should've seen it,strong and tough.type of my guy,ya know~?"

Gordon look up at the spider and flips them off, obviously pissed off.Adrian just sigh and stands up,wiping the fluids off from his body.well some on his body because most of the saliva's got either absorbed by his clothes or dried up.he also smell like he smoked tons of cigarettes,it's not a surprise for the kink spider to smoke crap tons of cigars

"Alright Freeman...Gordon...Mr Freeman ahem,I need to talk with you since the situation has calmed down a little..."

He said,narrowing his eyes over Angel who is waving at him while sticking his tongue out until out of nowhere Charlie slaps him on the face


Gordon ignore what is happening and look at Adrian,nodding his head and stand up.Adrian brings him to a room,a janitor room where Gordon remember he got knocked out by Charlie.Adrian lock the door behind him and take off his gas mask,showing his face to him.


Gordon give him the normal "silent and stare" face at him.Adrian thought it would surprise him since he is also a human but apparently not because The Free Man witnessed hell itself literally and figuratively.

"Wait you're not surprised?
Make sense since youve been here before me,who know...maybe there's more humans in hell because of the Black Mesa incident.anyway Gordon,I need to talk to is about something.... personal,maybe something you kept that you wanted to tell everyone but you couldn't because...hes always watching us.hes everywhere,he's the In-between entity that roam in the void.....I read too much HP Lovecraft-
Ahem anyway,you know him Gordon.i know because if he mentions you,he could meet you before me.the guy in the blue suit,carrying a suitcase.the guy that sent you here, actually to banish you from our world because hes in charge..?
Yeah Gordon,you know him..."

Gordon jolts in shock as he get a flashback of the Black Mesa incident, remembering everything from the beginning to the end.he has his shocked expression,staring at the HECU soldier who seems worried and concerns about him.

"Mr Freeman......Mr Freeman..?"

Gordon vision turn blurry as he slowly pass out,too much for him to handle as he is getting back into his pstd(if youre Gordon in Black Mesa,just imagine watching the reality unfold in front of you creating a dimensional gate between two would be traumatizing,we are talking about logics here).Adrian quickly catch him before he hit the ground and call for help.the first to come into the scene is Charlie and Vaggie,helping Adrian to carry him up and lays the scientist down on the lobby couch.Adrian check his pulse to see if he is alive and feel them,sighing in relief

"He's okay.....phew.."

Charlie look down at Gordon and rubs his head,thinking it would help him.

"What happened Adrian...?'

Adrian who is paying attention to Freeman raise his head up to her and become nervous.he cant tell them or else HE will do something to him or worse everyone since he's a powerful entity.

"I-i..w-we talk about the Black Mesa Incident and h-he just passed out,I don't know why!"

Charlie already knows the answer,groaning as this young man supposed to know what is the physiology affect of man who has been through everything.hes a soldier,duh.

"Adrian,maybe its his pstd.did you expect nothing happened to a man who seen everything about the,even a demon don't have a curiosity to do so.well I do read article about Mortal Realm news but I haven't heard anything or seen something about the place Black Mesa..."

Charlie is right,she does have a point.this just sadden Adrian more as his mission is to kill this guy.people treat this guy as the Saviour of Humanity or Mankind Last Weapon.yeah he is a normal human being but a powerful one.Vaggie feel like the soldier is making up story, suspicious about why there's another human all of a sudden after Freeman arrival.Vaggie stare at the soldier and give him a pure distrust face.

"Charlie,I think he is....LYING!"

Everyone flinches from the sudden yell,it makes Adrian almost pissed himself off...or he already did...

Why would I lie,this is my friend we are talking about!"

Charlie turn his head to her girlfriend and look at them in disbelief.she does have a point but she has no proof to back it up

"V-vaggie,what.he just a soldier with task to kill whatever in that really dont believe anyone, especially men"

Vaggie is about to tell her something but Alastor peek his head out from the shadow beneath them with his casual creepy wide smile.

"I unfortunately had to tell you my dear,she could be right.our two fellow friends might be something sent by someone....right Mr Shephard..?"

Adrian screams in terror as the demon come out of nowhere,seems familiar but he never met this guy before.he back away as he suddenly mentioned his last name out of nowhere, laughing nervously

"W-who,w-wait...h-how did you know m-my name?"

He has his hand on his pocket,ready to draw out his knife to attack it they try to do the same.

"Oh don't lie,I'm not a fool Mr Shephard.theres reason why people called me the hell most powerful overlord in here.i know you and Freeman are not friends but the complete work....for Him right..?"

Adrian eyes widen as he called him,meaning they could have related to something.he continue to take few step backward, obviously in fear

"N-no,what...what did you mean Him?"

Alastor chuckles,Vaggie and Charlie turn their head to the deer demon in confusion

"Who is Him?"
She ask,confused and curious.maybe Vaggie is right,who know...?

"I can't tell you my dear but I sense his presence everywhere when our friends are around.he might be watching me right now"

He laughs,spinning his microphone staff around before stomping them to the ground

"And that mean...we can't allow them to stay here...."

Meanwhile in Gordon mind

Everything is dark and cold,Gordon can't see anything except but the void.he know what is happening,the Gman has called him again but for what now..?
The same white door open wide in the fabric reality of the void,a man in the blue suit otherwise known as the Gman come out from the door and smiles at him

"Gordon Freeman,oh it's so hard to get rid of you in the most hardest and simplest way.i tried to bring your enemy here but he became the totally Radio demon has noticed my existence in their afraid...I had to destroy is considerably to be a large nudge for you
You don't care about Hell,you hate it right?
The biblical realm, illustrated by the human minds that supposed to be eternal fire and torture but apparently different than that.its not problem for me to kill it,the Supervisior will decide everything to just an employee,like you Mr Freeman.
Now enjoy our last visit will never get to meet me again"

The Gman smiles, disappearing into the darkness as a flash of light begin to consume the void.he open his eyes up,breathing heavily...

Well that's for this chapter,me busy and have many online classes (from day to night lol)to deal with.goodbye and tiddly do


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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