Chapter 10: The Passenger

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They were speeding across the desert, eager to get back to the Razor Crest. The air was hot and dry as it whipped past their heads. Din wasn't bothered by it, being entirely covered had its perks. His armoured form shielded Estella from the sands that were thrown up by the speeder, but the hot air still whisked her hair around. 

Her arms were gently resting on Din's waist, it was far too hot for them to be this close, not to mention the many layers that they had on them, the downside to being completely covered. The little one was in his pouch strapped to the side of the speeder, his big eyes squinting as the sands and wind assaulted his face, his ears flapping around, he longed for the Crest too.

The sandy rock sped past them, they were exiting the rocky area about to enter back into the vast, flat desert, the final area that they had to endure before being back at the ship. 

Din saw it too late, a rope had been pulled up suddenly catching the front of the speeder. The nose of the speeder hit the ground flipping over and throwing them, and their cargo, into the air. 

The child hit the sand first, crying out in shock as he rolled across the ground. Din and El were thrown into the air, arms flailing and desperately trying to level themselves out. Estella activated her jetpack, opting for shooting herself straight up and avoiding the debris of the speeder. Din spun round as he activated his own jetpack to get him to land on his feet. Din almost fell to the right to avoid the debris that slammed past him, missing him by inches.

It rolled across the ground, the impact breaking it apart. Din turned finding the kid in the sand, the exploded speeder missing his tiny green self. Din didn't have time to be relieved, a shot from a blaster hit his arm. Whipping round he was met with a shot to the face. He flinched at both hits but the beskar held up. Estella landed close by to Din, immediately a bounty hunter jumped out at her, swinging his weapon towards her head. She dodged each attack, her steps quick as the blade swiped down at her. 

The two that went after Din were creeping closer, their blasters raised. He spotted a third one going for the child, getting his own blaster out he instantly fired. Another bounty hunter slammed his weapon down on his arm, altering the shot as the pistol was knocked out of his hand.

The one that went after the child got hit in the leg by Din's shot. He was now hobbling back behind the rock that they had sprung out from. Neither had the opportunity to take him out.

Din ducked as a blade came towards his head, the metal clanging against the rock. He threw a punch at the mans gut before straightening his back and grabbing hold of the mans wrist as he swung at him again. Twisting his arm round, the man yelped in pain. Din took hold of the blade, slicing up across the torso of his attacker. The hot blood splattering onto the sands.

Estella used her jetpack to boost her into the air, flipping over the man that took another swing at her. Now behind him she planted her foot in the ground, steadying herself for the forceful kick at the centre of his back. He fell forward, spinning round and holding his blade up, deflecting the blaster fire from her. But she had kicked him towards Din, who thrust the blade into the mans back. He jolted at the impact, looking down at his allies weapon that was now through him. His own hot sticky blood seeping out, mixing with his fellow bounty hunters', before he collapsed to the ground.

The two who had shot Din, were now on them both. Rapid hits were beginning to overwhelm them both. Din spotted the shorter one with a large rifle, lining up to shoot them both. He activated his whipcord as one of the assailants pinned him against the rock. Estella slammed her knee into the others groin, he doubled over and she swiftly shot him dead. The whipcord latched onto the third assailants rifle, pulling it towards Din. He buckled his knees, the rifle slamming into his attackers head, knocking him unconscious. 

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