Chapter 16: The Rescue

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Of course they couldn't just zoom up to the cruiser and blast their way in. Boba was a good pilot but not THAT good. No. They needed a better entry. Sneaking in was no good really so they would go in through the front door. So to speak.

Before any plans of going to Moff Gideon could be pulled off they instead tracked down Dr Pershing and the ship he was on. Taking over that would surely get them onto the ship with relative ease.

Naturally they couldn't just calmly board the ship so they hatched the plan for Boba Fett to pursue them and pretend to be firing upon them. Convincingly pretending. Their rapid retreat onto the ship would be accepted and believable then. It wasn't the best plan but it was all they could conceive for now. It was good enough. 

So there they were aboard Fett's ship and waiting for him to successfully apprehend the ship they were after. At first it was warning shots and as they tried to escape Fett ramped up the assault. Intimidation before firing an Ion Cannon and rendering the ship useless for a while. He calmly demanded that they lower their shields and prepare for boarding. They did so almost immediately, seeing no other way out of their peril. 

Fett gently brought his ship over theirs, with a loud thud they were connected and Din was the first to board. The ship wasn't massive and he was in the cockpit seconds after boarding. Blaster raised at the two pilots and Dr Pershing. The latter two were rather willing to comply, the pilot not so much. 

'Before you make a mistake, this is Doctor Pershing.' The pilot placed his hand upon the doctors shoulder. 

'We've met.' Din said rather tiredly. 'Is the kid alive?' 

'Yes. He's on the cruiser.' Pershing stuttered out but gasped suddenly as the pilot beside him wrapped his arm around the doctors chest and brought a blaster to his head. Cara was the next in the cockpit, blaster raised and ready.

'Stay back, Dropper.' The pilot threatened and the co-pilot's fear grew. He tried his best to diffuse the tension, wanting nothing that even resembled a shoot out. 

'Easy, pal. Okay?' He turned to the two. 'I'm not with him. We can work something out.' Before the last word left his mouth the pilot fired his blaster into the back of his head. Skin sizzling as he sunk to the floor with a groan. Pershing squealed and struggled only to fall still as the burning barrel of the blaster returned close to his head again. 

'Drop your weapon.' Cara demanded but the Pilot almost scoffed.

'No. No, you listen to me. This is a top-tier target of the New Republic. This is a Clone engineer. And if they find out that he's dead because of you, you're gonna wish you never left Alderaan.' This time he laughed as Cara remained stoic. 'I saw the tear. You wanna know what else I saw? I saw your planet destroyed. I was on the Death Star.' 

His taunting didn't deter her, not visibly anyway. 'Which one?' She asked with a smirk. He let out an empty laugh and the anger washed over him.

'You think you're funny? Do you know how many millions were killed on those bases?' 

Cara was getting visibly angry now. 'Drop your blaster.' She demanded but he kept on.

'As the galaxy cheered?'

'Last chance.' She warned.

'Destroying your planet was a small price to pay to rid the galaxy of terrorism.' She had had enough, firing once and her aim perfect. The red hot blast shone through the room, landing directly in his face. Whipping through the gap between Pershing's head and the blaster that threatened to kill him. The taunting pilot was dead within a second and the screams of burning pain cried out from the doctor. His ear ringing and burning as the searing flash had come so close to skin. His hand flew to his ear, desperately trying to lessen the pain in any way.

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