Part 2

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Chapter before this: "Shinso, truth or dare *kero*?"


"Hmm.. are you and Kaminari friends *kero*?"

Shinso looked at Kaminari befor looking back at Tsuyu "yes, we are"

Mina was now quietly fangirling in the background

"Mina, truth or dare?"


"What's your so called otp?"

"Hmmm... that must be kiribaku.."

"Huh?! Who do you ship me with?!" Bakugo had turned very.. what do you say.. angry?

"Chill Bakubro" Kirishima put his hand on Bakugos shoulder and surprisingly he calmed down.

"So now.. Jiro, truth or dare?"

"Truth I guess.."

"Do you like Momo?"

Now Jiro was blushing (and Momo too but that's not the point here..) "Y-yes..?"

"Wait fr? You like me..?" Momo asked with an innocent voice



"You don't hate me.. right..?"

"No of course not! I would never hate you!"

"Good" "Now, Iida, truth or dare?"

"Ehh truth I guess"

"How often do you study?"

"Often.. oh wait! Thanks for reminding me! I have to go study! Sorry guys, see you tomorrow!"

"Ookay, bye"

The door slammed shut and Iida was now gone.

"Who's gonna ask the next person now then?" Uraraka asked.

"I can just do it again?" Jiro said.


"Okay soo.. Kaminari, what's your favourite colour?"

"Purple! Now it's my turn! Sero, truth or dare?"


"Do you like anyone at this moment, and if you do, what gender are they?"

"Umm yes.. it's a girl.. or at least I think that's their pronouns!" Sero said, while having rosy cheeks.


"Tokoyami, do you want to get truth or dares, or are you just here? I mean, you don't look so interested so that's why I asked!" Sero said in a kind voice.

"I'd rather not play, but I'll still sit here with you guys." Tokoyami said in a tired(?) voice.

"Okay then.. Momo, Truth or dare?"


"Do you like Jiro? I mean.. you blushed when she said she liked you."

"Y-yeah I do.." she blushed while looking away from the group.

"Okay so like.. are you and Jiro a thing now????" Mina squealed

"I don't really know.. Jiro..?"

"Uhm.. if you want to.."


"Okay, then we are a thing..!"

"Omg yessss!!!!" Mina started to jump up and down.

(like 5 mins later)

"Okay so.. Todoroki, truth or dare?" Momo said in a little shaky voice, as she still was surprised from what just happened.

End of this chapter, I know it's bad, and I'm sorry for that!

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