Part 3

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Chapter before this: "Okay so.. Todoroki, truth or dare?" Momo said in a little shaky voice, as she still was surprised from what just happened.

"Truth" I hope she doesn't remember I like someone..

I'm gonna be nice.. like I don't like it when people ask who I like.. "what's your sexuality?"

Phew, not as bad.. "I'm gay.."

"That's cool!"

"Truth or dar-"

"Im sorry for interrupting you Todoroki, but I have to go now! Byee!!" Uraraka piped in.

"Bye Uraraka" Midoriya said as she walked out of the room.

"Okay so.. uhm.. truth or dare.. Aoyama?"

"I'm not in the game, I'm just here for the tea *high five with Mina* so ask someone else, you won't get anything fun from me!"

"Okay..? Uhm.. Sero, truth or dare?"


"Okay so.. what hair colour does your crush have?"

"Uhm.. pink..?"

"Wait! Is it Mina?!" Jiro said out of nowhere.

"Well.. Uhm.."

"He doesn't have to answer that..!" A blushing Mina whispered.


"Midoriya, truth or dare"


Mina whispered something in Seros ear "okayy soo.. kiss Todoroki..?"

"Wha- okay.. I guess.." a long awkward pause with looks between Todoroki and Deku.. "Todoroki, give me your hand."


"Give me your hand so I can do my dare."

"Okay?" Todoroki stretched out his hand and Deku gave his hand a fast peck.

"Really?" Mina said, kinda annoyed.

"Sero, or should I say you, never said that I had to kiss him on the lips."

"Stop being so damn smart..!"

"Nope. Now, Mina, truth or dare?"


"You like Sero, right? So how long have you liked him?"

"Uhm.. for about 2-3 months..?" Mina whispered out. "Now. Midoriya, truth or dare?"


"If you like someone, who is it?"

Damn her! "Uhm.. Todoroki.."

That's it for this chapter.

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