Chapter 1

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~ (M/N) POV ~

I walked to the asylum that was located at the edge of town. It was called Haikyuu asylum. (I'm not original with names) As I walked in, ready for my new job, I saw a guy at the reception desk. "Hello there! I'm the new doctor" I said, a little nervous.

Now that I've looked at this guy, he looks like a delinquent. He had blond hair that was pulled back. He had fierce brown eyes that bore into me as he put out his cigarette.

"So your.... (M/N) (L/N) then?" He asked, him being surprisingly nice. I nodded my head slightly as he took a clipboard out with multiple pieces of paper clipped to it. He hands it to me after I was done signing myself in. I bowed to him and said a small bye as I started walking down the hall.

I couldnt help but notice that the halls were sparkling clean. It was slightly blinding thanks to everything being white and I got the smell of bleach and hand sanitizer.

I got to the door and stopped, looking at my first patient. The profile picture had a picture of a young looking boy with crazy ginger hair and brown eyes. He had a faint smile on him.

NAME: Hinata Shouyo
AGE: 20
ILLNESS/ES: separation anxiety, ADHD, and depression
BACKGROUND INFO: at a young age the boys father had abandoned him with his mother, later causing the patient to depend on his mother for attention and care. When she would leave, the patient would throw things across the room, kicking in the walls, and breaking other things.

WARNING: If patient is in bad mood do not touch the patient.

I couldnt help but feel sorry for the poor boy. How ever I did notice that he was almost the same age as me, despite looking so young. I took a deep breath as I then smiled and opened his door after unlocking it.

I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. I looked forward to see Hinata on his bed, hugging his legs as he looked at me with wide, crazed, brown eyes. I smiled at him "hello, I'm your new doctor, (M/N)." I said, calmly. He suddenly stood up after, seemingly, sitting there and biting his nails. He stared at me before a large grin spread across his face as he joyfully jumped onto me, hugging me tightly. I chuckle at his behavior and carried him to his bed as I sat down with him in my lap.

"Hey, Dr.(M/N)... your not ganna leave me.... are you? I dont want it to happen again..." he mumbled as he looked up with his crazed eyes, making me shiver slightly. "No, I wont leave as in not help you." I said, making him smile but then he started to frown. "What do you mean 'I wont leave as in, not help you'?" He asked, seeming slightly upset. I chuckled, slightly nervous. "Well I have to leave soon, to see my other patients" I said, looking at him. His eyes widened and he tightened his grip on me. "NO! I DONT WANT YOU TO GO!!!" He screamed and started to cry as I had gotten up and tried to get him off me.

"I'll be back tomarrow, then we can hang out for longer, ok?" I said as gently and softly as I could. He slowly stopped crying and looked up at me, only slightly tho since I was slightly taller then him, and sniffed as he rubbed his tears away. "Promise?...." he said in a deadly serious tone, making me smile nervously. "I promise" I said, sealing my fate. He quickly grinned and let go of me. "I cant wait!!" He said, excitedly waving his arms around.

I smiled as I got out, waving at him then locked the door, walking to my new patients room.

A/N: theres ganna be other teams other then karasuno!!

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