chapter 15

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As I looked down at the file, I hummed to myself in recognition of how little there is.

Name: Bokuto kotaro
●Illness/es: bi-polar, ADHD, hyper active, depression, separation anxiety
●background info: unknown
●warnings: talks alot, easy to switch moods if you try, and hates people getting in his way.

At least it has info but these aren't problems for them to be here.. I sighed as I entered, only to be picked up and held to a wall.

I slowly looked at him to see him glare and analyze me. "Oh, your new! What's your name?" He asked setting me down. "Sorry but I dont think your my doctor, not that I'm complaining! I'm just wondering why your here, or dont tell me, that's fine to!" He said, talking to quickly, making me think for a bit.

I nodded slowly. "Well I'm your new doctor, Akaashi requested that I take care of you two. My name is Dr. (M/n)." I said. He tilted his head slightly, mimicking a owl kind of, before he started to jump in joy.

"Hey, hey, hey! (M/n)! What's your favorite color?! Wait no! What's your favorite animal!?" He asked, jumping in place.

I chuckled, "my favorite color is (f/c) and my favorite animal is (f/a)" I said. "Oo!ooo! I like those to! But I like owls more!" He said excitedly. He then suddenly grabbed me, hugging me. "Your so kind! Better then my other one!" He said, loudly.

"May I know what happened with the last doctor?" I asked. He slowly nodded, sitting down and making me sit on him. "I geuss I could tell you.. she didnt really help me. She would sit near the door and be on her phone, claiming that I was a waist of space.. when ever I tried to play or talk to her she would either glare at me or come over a hit me, saying she was trying to focus or something.." he said in a saddened voice, when I looked at him I saw tears in his eyes, threatening to spill.

I cupped his face, whipping his tears from his beautiful golden eyes. "I'm sorry that happened to you, I would never do that to you" I said, getting engulfed into a hug by him. I let him cry as I rubbed his back. "Its ok, let it out. It's ok to cry" I said, once I noticed he was trying to stop. With permission he let it out, clinging to me.

Soon he stopped and pulled away, I grabbed a different hanker chief from Ennoshitas then started to clean his face from tears. "I wont let anyone hurt you ok?" I said, smiling slightly. Bokuto nodded. "Your really kind" he sniffed out.

I pulled out a coloring book from my bag, one that tsukishima didnt want cuz it wasnt dinosaurs, and gave it to him along with some crayons. "Here, I feel like this will help." I said. He gingerly grabbed it and looked through it, he stopped at a owl and smiled. "Thank you!" He yelled out, hugging me again.

"Hey, you wont leave me right?" He asked in a low tone, making me shiver. His arms tighten around me. "I'll be back tomarrow, I will never leave you alone for a day, if you have trouble with something then tell Mr. Ukai, ok. Hell come get me if you need to see me. In the mean time, how about you color me a picture?" I asked. He nuzzled into my neck but let me go. He then stared at you.

"Are you going to akaashi afterwards?" He asked, to which I nodded. He hummed then held up his pinky. "Promise that you'll come back tomorrow" he said, pouting.

I chuckled and linked my pinky with his. "Of course" I said. He then helped me get up but scrambled to his bed, reaching under his pillow and took out and doll like item, but made out of plastic forks and napkins. "Can you give this to akaashi?" He asked. Now that I notice it, hes saying akaashi weird. I smiled and nodded, carefully taking it.

"I will, I need to go now. I'll see you tomorrow." I said, exiting with bokuto waving bye excitedly then starting to color.

I slowly started to walk to akaashis cell, smiling.

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