chapter 11

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(The picture above has nothing to do with the story, I'm just happy with how it turned out)

As I put the last of the things I needed to make (f/n) make homemade food.
(F/n) was really good at cooking. I then grabbed the items and some puzzles then checked out. The cashier looked weirdly at me while i was buying a big stuffed bunny and a big stuffed crow. Like cant I just buy what I want?

I eventually get out of there and and stuffed my car full of groceries, heading back to my place. I then sent a quick text to my friend, telling him to come over.

Once I got there, I saw (f/n), in all his glory. "You better have a good reason for calling me over, I have work tomorrow and if I'm not rested then i wont be able to do jack shit" (f/n) said angrily. He may be short and cuddly torwards his patients but he doesn't take shit from no one.

".....can you help me make some food for my patients?" I asked hesitantly with my best puppy dog eyes. He glared into my soul as he then sighed. "Fine, what am I making?" He asked. I told him the food and he looked even more irritated. "Cant you buy thoughts at the store" he said as rage built up behind him. "Yes.... but three of them is your old patients and I've already bought the ingredients.." I said, trying to contain his rage.

He scrunched up his face in anger as he took the ingredients from my hand, and angrily started to cook. I was afraid to go into the kitchen when I saw him whip out a knife. He is not someone to mess with.... good thing I'm his friend.


"On my next day off I'll visit the haikyuu asylum to see how everyone is doing. Once I'm there I'm going to visit my old patients then leave." He said as he neatly packed the food. I nodded, ready to put the food away only for him to do it. "I'm not letting your clumsy self handle the food, I'll deliver it to you in the early morning, dont spill it or I'll cook you for them" he said and I nodded, in fear.

He took a glance at the items that i got for my patients then glared at me, making me smile nervously. "You only buy people stuff when you think you've upset them. Were you that clumsy with your patients?" He asked, starting thg o nag. I mean, they were his old patients and he was forced to go to a different asylum.

.......he'd probably kill me if he knew I almost screwed up with almost all the patients...

"Do you have any aggressive patients?" I asked, trying to steer away from my patients. He seemed to glare at me for a bit but then shrugged. "I only had two today, I'll get more patients tomarrow. They seem more sensitive then aggressive though so I'm bound to get one." He said while I started to usher him out.

"Is that so? Well I have to get to bed, I'll see you tomorrow morning then?" I said, making him glare at me like a disappointed mother but he nodded then went home. After he went home I started to lay down, I'm getting two new patients tomarrow... its ganna be a long day tomarrow

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