Chapter 24

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I huffed as I slowly got up and torwards the first patient I have, which is oikawa tooru (dyslexic moment, forgot how to spell his name)

I'd work on the 'fox' ones after I check with the 'alien' ones, then I'll check with the iron giant, then 'fox' and that would be the end of all these files.

I looked into the file, seeing it all scratched out, only thing say compliments on him.

"Well, I know hes a narcissist" I said quietly as I went in. I saw him grinning and drawing on his walls. I looked around on the walls, seeing pictures of disturbing alien like beings, stareing at me.

I looked back at him to see him stareing at me over his shoulder with blood shot eyes, dried blood on his shirt and pants, fresh blood dripping down his fingers.

He stopped grinning and stared. I dont know what he has!

I awkwardly and slowly waved to him.

He stared the slowly stood up, slowly walking over. I looked to where he was to see a dead body of a young boy, about Ennoshitas age. He had caramel brown hair, pail skin, and a permanent scream. Along side him was a older corpse but he looked like Tanaka, but his shaved hair was darker.

I slowly looked to where he was drawing to see names, all over that one wall. Narita and kinoshita stood out to me. I dont remember why though..

I didnt have time to think about it as oikawa was in front of me, grinning down at me with a unrealistic crazed grin.

"Hello" he croaked out, leaning into my face. He smelled of decay but I controlled my face and kept it nutrual.

"Hi, I'm (m/n), your new doctor" I said slowly.

"(M/n)..... sounds nice~" he croaked out once again, slowly backing up and toward the body, grabbing a kidney and eating it.

Oikawa was seriously skinny.

"What do you want with me doctor" he asked. I shivered then hummed. "Well, for starters, why dont we request a bath lat-" I couldnt finish as I was slammed into the wall, where it smelled damp and putrid. He started to choke me.

I held his arm, my files spilling, one seemed to catch his eye. He let me go and grabbed kageyamas file. "Tobio...~" he growled out.

He stared at me, not smiling. Before I could react he grabbed my neck then slammed me against the door. "Open it!" He screamed.

I coughed and shook my head, he growled and pulled me away from the door, only to slam me into it again, causing my nose to break.

"OPEN!!" He screeched. I could here banging from next door, screaming to. If I remember correctly, that is Iwaizumi.

The other male in a separate room started to scream banging on the wall, not the door so he could get out. He wants in here.

Oikawa chuckled. "You made iwazumi angry!" He growled out. I was crying by now, silently but still.

He growled when I didnt move, slamming me to the ground. I gasped for air, shaking and slowly getting up.

Oikawa snatched my key card and opened the door, walking out, assumingly towards kageyama.

I fell back, my eye lids heavy. Before I passed out I could see someone rush in, helping me.

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