chapter 13

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Just as I was about to go to my next patient alarms started blaring and I heard screaming.

I ran as fast as I could to where I heard it, but what I saw made my stomach turn and my blood boil with rage.

What I saw was guards holding Yamaguchi down while he screamed and thrashed about. I was a good ways away but I saw them hold up a syringe filled with a clear substance. I started to run torwards him. I heard many cell door being beaten on and I heard the screams of my patients.

"STOP IT! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL TADASHI!!" I heard Tsukishima yell as he threw a different guard onto the ground. He looked frightened and had tears in his eyes as he kept throwing guards left and right, ignoring his fear and the HIVs from it. I started to pick up speed just as the guard was about to inject him with the substance I tackled him to the ground.

Of course I wasnt strong enough to keep him pinned so I did the next best thing. I kicked the syringe away and wrapped my body around in away that all I had to do was pull for them not to be able to move. I held him there the best I could.

Tsukishima ran to Yamaguchi, trying to calm Yamaguchi down as he started to thrash and scream, tears running down his face.

I heard around two metal doors bust open, creating a loud bang. The lights flickered, them breaking slightly. At the end of the hall I could see Ennoshita running torwards the guards with a crazed smiled and a psychotic laugh.

At the other end of the hall I saw daichi running torwards us. He got there first, grabbing the closest guard and throwing them at the others. They started to scream when Ennoshita started to tear into them.

I quickly reached for the syringe that got kicked back by one of my patients and stabbed it into the guy I was tangled up with, injecting it into him. The guard struggled then stopped moving, me quickly getting away from him.

Just then I heard more doors being forced open. The first one I saw was Asahi, running past everyone and torwards the camera room, Noya hot on his trail. I started to feel quite scared, it's as if they planned this or its happened before.

Hinata and Kageyama came running over, grabbing me and running to Hinatas room. When we ran to his room, I saw Sugawaras door being beaten. Dents could be seen as I heard the male scream. Right before we got into Hinatas room, Sugawaras door flew off its hinges, the door falling. Sugawara slowly walked out, looking to be pissed. Blood ran down his arm and I could see that his ankle was bruised due to the chain. The lights flickered yet again and Sugawara started to sprint.

But he didnt go to where the commotion was, he went to where the reinforcements were. Tanaka soon followed after suga, him to bleeding. Once in Hinatas room they both hugged me, them and me tearing up. "(M/N).... do you p-perhaps know someone named (F/N)? D-Daichi said that if something l-like this happened that (F/N) would be able to help" Hinata said, stuttering slightly due to fear.

(F/N)...? Why would he know how to fix this....? Did this happen when he was here? I had so many questions but I couldnt get answers. I nodded slightly as I pulled out my phone and started to call (F/N).

God....what did i get myself into..

(Hey, here's another chapter. I may post alot at a time or be really slow at posting. I had a episode of sleep paralysis and panic attack tonight so I decided to make a chapter.)

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