(please watch the video linked above)
생일 축하합니다, 생일 축하합니다, 사랑하는 제이홉 생일 축하합니다 🎂🎉🎉
I hope you had a great birthday yesterday!! Please know that all ARMY loves you, and appreciate everything you do for us!
어제 즐거운 생일 보냈길 바래!! 팬 여러분 모두 여러분을 사랑한다는 것을 알아주시고, 저희를 위해 해주시는 모든 것에 감사하세요! 번역이 안 됐다면 미안해요.
BTS sickfics/hurtfics
Fanfictionwelcome! please check the first few parts for how to submit commissions and what the guidelines/rules are for commenting, etc. 🔔 - requests are open! submit them until further notice. 🔕 - old request posts, don't mind them. 📒 - A/N (not importan...