Jimin- On The Ground

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*Names, Songs, Lyrics, Characters, Are Owned by BTS/ BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT CO LTD. They aren't mine at all so don't sue me!* i am using the writing style used i my current writings in 2021.

One sunny Monday-

Jimin's POV:

*beep* *beep*


It's only 7 in the morning but I have to get ready for practice. If I didn't have this job, I'd be asleep until 12! Why did I decide to become an idol again? Oh yeah, to be with these annoying eggheads... Whatever, I'm just gonna sleep for 5 more minutes.

Hobi:"Jimin! Are you awake! C'mon we need to eat breakfast and go to dance practice!"

Me: "Okay! I'm awake... Lemme go get dressed."

I walk zombie-like to the bathroom, with my joggers, plain t-shirt, and Adidas jacket on my arm. I go in and shut the door.

Me: "Dang! My thighs won't fit into my joggers again!"

Nobody responds to my commentary on my thighs, but I hear them chuckle. I sigh as I wear my older, stretched out sweatpants instead. I put on the rest of my clothes and head downstairs to eat a quick bowl of cereal.

5 minutes later-

Me: "Hey guys." I mumble, barely audible.

Yoongi: "So, I was thinking we could add Jin's vocals for that 'aaah' part. I think it would sound good for this song." Yoongi says. He seems very deep into the conversation. Namjoon agrees and says,

Namjoon: "Yeah his soft, airy voice fits perfectly with the beat!"

Jungkook, Jin, and Hobi are talking about the cartoon Anpanman. That's so 70's. 😒😒😒 I try to talk over them.

Me: "Helloooooooo!"

They still don't hear me. I muster up a loud yell which finally might get their attention.

Me: "GUYS!"

They turn around, stare at me, and go back to what they were talking about. I cannot believe them! They are gonna be late and Son Sungdeuk |nim| = (person older than you) will be upset. I'm leaving! I run out the door quickly without my heart monitor watch. I know what you're thinking, but it's nothing serious. We all have one especially for concerts or dance practice to make sure we're not overworking ourselves. I would go back to get it, but I'm running late as I think about it.

Namjoon's POV:

I check my watch and notice we're going to be late for dance practice.

Me: "Umm, guys? We have dance practice in 10 minutes! Let's go!"

Everyone says okay. I do a headcount before we leave, counting me first. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Wait we are missing someone, Jimin.

Me: "Where is Jimin?" I say, but everyone just shrugs.

Hoseok: " Maybe he left early so he wouldn't be late." I think everybody agrees, except for Taehyung.

Taehyung: "Or maybe he just is hiding so he doesn't have to go to practice!"

Jungkook: "Nooooooo! Tae, don't reveal where I'm hiding you egghead!"

Taehyung: "Alien head you mean."

"How is that any better than what he said?" Jungkook says, as if it's obvious to Taehyung.

Me: "Anyways, we need to hurry on up outta here!"

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