~Naughty Kitten~

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||"I can't keep lying to myself and you Kenma. I have really liked you for a while now! And I can't hide it anymore! I want you to be mine!" At this point, I was sobbing. I couldn't control what I was saying. Damn it...

"S-Shoyo..." Kenma put his hand under my chin and turned him to look at me. "Shoyo I like you too."||

Hinata's POV

He likes me... HE LIKES ME!!!

I lean in to kiss him, but he puts a hand on my chest and pulls away.  Why?!...

"K-Kenma?" I was confused and kinda hurt. Maybe he just doesn't want to be in here anymore? Yeah, that has to be it right?

"Shoyo, I like you but you are drunk right now... and I don't want us to wake up and regret anything tomorrow."

Does he think I'm that drunk?

"Kenma I swear I'm not that drunk.  I'm sober enough to know how I feel about you... I've been feeling like this for a while," I lean my forehead on his and put my hand on his chest.  "Please Kenma... let this happen."  I could feel tears threatening to fall.  Kenma sighed.

"Let's go back to my room and talk more about this there." He lifted me off his lap and got up putting the alcohol back where I had gotten it from.  We put the fire out and went to his room.  When we got there we sat on his bed.  We sat in silence for a bit.

"Kenma I-" I began to say something but the look on his face made me go back to being quiet.

Kenma's POV

Shoyo was going to say something but stopped.  It must have had something to do with me because he was sitting there watching me with wide eyes.  I hadn't realized it until now but I was crying.

"Hinata we need to talk."  It was the first time I had ever called him Hinata so he knew I was being serious.

"Look this can't happen.  We are too different..." I continued to name some other reasons we couldn't be together.  I do like Kuroo anyway, he wouldn't mind me using him in a lie right? 

"And Hinata, Kuroo, and I have been in a relationship for a while now.  We just keep on the down-low."  How am I gonna tell Kuroo?  I was never planning to tell him how I felt.  And we certainly were not in a relationship.  So why did I do this?  None of the reasons I said were good or reasonable ones, but he still nodded and agreed to them.  So he is that drunk.  

Any person would notice I was beginning to say nonsense things.  I had said things like

"Cotton candy-flavored stuff isn't really cotton candy flavor because cotton candy is flavored other things."


 "unicorns aren't white they are pink."

Dumb stuff that a person should know I was side-tracking.  But he didn't.  I was starting to see in his eyes.  The alcohol was getting to him and making him really tired.  

He looked at me, put his hands on my waist, and pulled me onto his lap. 

"SHOYO!!!" He didn't look the same. He leaned in and kissed me.  He wouldn't let me pull out of the kiss, after 10 minutes of trying to fight it, I gave in, and let him have his way.

Next morning

I woke up with Shoyo's arms around my waist.  I didn't have a shirt on and my neck kinda hurt.  My sweat pants were on the floor next to my bed but I still had the short shorts on.  Shoyo was still asleep so I carefully got out of bed so I didn't wake him up.  I went to the washroom and went to the bathroom.  When I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror and see dark purple and red marks on my neck.  Memories of last night flooded my mind.  I fell back against the wall making a loud thump noise.  In the time it took me to use the bathroom Shoyo had woken up and was now at the door asking if I was okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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