~Like This~

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~Hinata POV~


"Boke," a familiar voice said, getting closer to us.  My mood shifted a bit.  I seemed a bit more relaxed. 

Is it because of him?...

Kageyama came over to where Kuroo, Kenma, and I were hanging out.

"Oh, Kageyama! You're here, I didn't know you were coming."  I didn't take him as the type to come to parties, especially at a place like a club.

"I'm full of surprises," He says. "Hey, Kuroo can I talk to you? Alone?"

Kenma looked at Kageyama and kinda rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm staying," he said hugging Kuroo.

Why was I so jealous!  Why can't I just get over it!  He obviously had no romantic interest in me!  Ugh, I can't get him out of my mind...

"I'm not going to steal him from you Kenma," Kageyama said looking at him kinda annoyed. "I just have to talk to Kuroo about something, calm down."

Kenma stood there with his head still in Kuroo's chest holding his shirt.  I knew Kenma had a bit of separation anxiety about leaving Kuroo.  I had an idea that might help though. 

I'm only going to get more hurt by this...

I went over to Kenma, and put my hand up to Kenma's ear, and leaned in.

"Hey, Kenma," you're an idiot why are you so willing to hurt yourself... "What if we went and got drunk and came back just to see Kuroo's reaction."  I knew Kenma could get a little... what's the word... frisky when he drank.

He perked up, lifting his head. Kenma smirked. He slid off Kuroo's lap, and he and I skipped off arms linked.

We found someone who had some alcohol and asked for some.

When we looked back at the boys they were...


I never imagined them having a normal conversation...

maybe Kageyama was asking something about volleyball...?   But why would he want to talk to Kuroo about that alone?...

I was pulled out of my trace of thoughts by Kenma lightly pulling on my sleeve.  the person had returned with our drinks, and he was ready to drink. 

Well, here goes my sorrows... hopefully.

~A few drinks later~

~Third Person POV~

The boys had had a few too many drinks and were so drunk they couldn't walk straight.  Both of their minds were foggy, but Hinata could still feel the pain of the thought that Kenma wasn't his.  Hinata was two drinks ahead of Kenma because Kenma had a low tolerance for alcohol and was already wasted.  But somehow he was still thinking pretty clear for being as drunk as he was.  Hinata ordered another drink.  He was going onto his 10th drink.  Kenma was getting a bit concerned. 

"H-hey Shoyo maybe slow down a bit on the drinks," he said putting his hand on Hinata's shoulder.  Hinata was only hurting more...

Kenma doesn't love me... Why?  What did I do wrong?  Am I not attractive enough? Was he more into hot, manly guys?  Too much like a bottom for him?   Too innocent?  Why...

"No! I need more," Hinata slurred out, shaking Kenma's hand off of him.

Kenma was hurt.  He was only trying to help Hinata and he was rejecting him.  Kenma cared deeply for Hinata.  He hated to see him like this.  It wasn't his first time that Shoyo got like this...

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