~End Of Me~

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Hinata POV

The walk to the party was a bit awkward for me. But Kenma seemed to be happy and not have a care in the world. He was oblivious to the feelings I had towards him.
But I guess he should right... he has a boyfriend after all.

When we got to the party the music was blaring. I felt a jolt of energy and began to feel better as soon as I entered the club. Kenma looked overjoyed and went to look for Kuroo. Kuroo had said it was okay if just me and Kenma walked to the party and he would drive Kenma home. We were all hanging out together and we had been having so much fun laughing and enjoying ourselves.  Well... I was trying to enjoy myself at least.  I was getting jealous of how happy and slightly lovey Kenma was with Kuroo.  It was physically hurting me to see him happy with someone other than me.

I want you to myself Kenma...

and I don't mean to be selfish

Kuroo makes him so happy

But my heart breaks every time

Kuroo leans in and gives Kenma a kiss on the cheek

That I see you smile

Kenma smiled at the affection Kuroo had given him

'Cause I know that it's not me

It's not me...

Who brings it out of you anymore

I will always love you Kenma...











"Even if it's the end of me."


Hey, I'm back!  Sorry, this chapter is a bit short... I've been going through some stuff so it's been a bit hectic right now.  I might start doing mha stories also.  I'm also thinking of maybe starting to write (insert character name) x Reader, stories.  

But I'm not sure...  

Should I?

If so who should I do?

Anyway, thank you for being patient with me!  

You don't know how much that means to me!🥺❤️

I plan to update the Tsukki x Kags story soon but have kinds hit writer's block😅

Okay thank you for reading💖


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