Chapter 3: Saudade

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"Well, you wished," they said

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"Well, you wished," they said. She reached up and slowly pulled her hood down. Skye glanced around, not wanting to look Terran in the eyes. Not wanting to see the shock, or maybe betrayal.

Terran stumbled back, his back pressed against the wall. He slowly sat down and put his head in his hands "Oh, my God. Skye. We thought you were dead."

Skye swallowed and snapped "As I said. Didn't see the body. Happy with what you see? This is what you wanted, isn't it? You wanted to know"

"Oh my God," He slowly stood and glanced at her. Skye refused to look him in the eye. Terran, sensing the fear in Skye's voice, stepped forward and grasped her hand. He gave it a squeeze. "I'm not mad... well, not really" he laughed quietly, "You know who's going to be mad?"

Skye said "Apollo" at the same time Terran said "Ocean"

"Really?" Skye questioned.

"Yeah, definitely, he's protective as hell"

Then he laughed and said, "Why Sora?"

Skye sighed with relief and laughed. They said "Mom's name. It means Skye in Japanese. Just ask Hoshi. Are you still talking with him?" 

"Yeah, we've been fighting this whole time" 

They both went quiet at the mentions of the war, the war that surrounded them every day. The war that had taken countless lives

"You, know, I never thought it would be us. We always learned about these wars but... I didn't actually think it would happen" Terran said softly, drumming his fingertips against his knees.


"You know, when they said you were dead, it was like the world stopped spinning. We were preparing for war and we knew it was going to happen, but it hadn't yet, we had only fought a few battles, and when they said you were dead, it was like the war had officially started. Like it was now personal. They said the body had been burned. They said a lot of stupid crap. They said to move on, to make your death mean something, to give your life meaning. But it already had meaning" Terran ranted, pausing for a breath then looking at Skye. 
She glanced and offered a small smile.

 A/N This is not a romantic relationship, I'm sorry if you shipped this, I picture this as a sibling-like friendship

They just stood, for a while, taking in this new information. 

"Dawn will want to see you" Skye broke the silence first. 

"She's here? Sora too?" Terran questions

Skye laughed and said "Well, about that. Follow me"

Terran followed them to the back room. She held open the door and said "Go"

When Terran walked in the first thing he noticed was Dawn. He grinned and said, "Hey you little ray of sunshine!"

"Terran!" she shrieked.

She ran and hugged him. He turned facing Skye and grinned. She smiled back. Skye knew Terran was basically family for Dawn. 

Dawn turned to Skye and said, "I thought you said it was none of my business." Skye shrugged. Terran looked around. In the corner was a bed. He walked over and Sora looked at him and smiled. Well, the real Sora anyway. "Hi Sora," he said. She looked pale and tired. Sora smiled softly and said, "I thought I heard voices." At that moment Skye looked so much like her mom. Terran turned to Skye and said "We need to go back. They think you're dead."

Skye's smile faded and she shook her head. "They wouldn't want me. After everything I did. You're forgiving and I probably don't deserve it. I've killed Terran. People. Soldiers. Besides you know how defensive Pollo is."

Terran motioned for Skye to follow him. Skye followed out of the room into the hall.

"Why did you do all those things?" he asked.

"Mom's sick. Everything I've done is not because I wanted to. It's for her. The one thing that will heal her. There is only one potion. The Winter Wolf offered me the potion in exchange for service. For one year of service. It's not all the time though. When I get a message I follow the orders."

A/N Please I need a name for this villain. I don't like the name Winter Wolf, please offer suggestions.

"Oh, I think they would at least want to know you're alive. Also, you basically started a war."

"Yeah, I know thanks for the reminder though. Besides they were just orders." She swallowed and nodded toward the main hall "Can you follow me?" Skye asked.

"Okay, sure"

Skye took him to the main room. She pointed to the table and said "Place your hands open on the table." Terran did. "Okay close your eyes. Just trust." Terran closed his eyes. Moments later a tree burst out of the center of the table.

Terran backed up and said, "Umm what?"

Skye grinned. "I knew it. I could feel it when you grabbed my hand"

Terran looked at her and said, "Excuse me, you knew?"

"Suspected. Everyone is magic. For some it's weak and they can't control it. You aren't one. Yours is strong. You can feel it when you come close or touch someone "


A few days later Skye and Terran planned to travel. Terran pulled a detailed map out of his bag. Terran pointed out a secret mountain trail and said "There. We camp in the mountains"

"Huh. That makes sense. He could never find you"

"Yeah, Apollo chose it."

"Okay, how should we get there?"

"No, we have to go on foot or horse. Maybe a dragon."

"I'm sorry, dragon?"

"Yeah, we tamed dragons. Using magic will alert them. Since we don't have magical allies"

"Can I even go inside without them knowing?"

"No, they won't know unless you use it. Apollo wanted people to have a chance to hide it"

"People? I thought it was only you guys"

"Well, it's a refugee for anyone running"

"Okay, well, I don't think you should walk that far"

"Skye, it's fine. What other choice do we have? Besides, when we get there Luna can help. She's good at medical stuff"

"I have horses"

"Oh, my God, Skye. You couldn't have started with that" Terran asked, laughing and shaking his head.


"It's okay what about Sora and Dawn?"

"What do you mean?"

"Should they come?"

"No, Dawn can manage. I want to meet them alone. Dawn's been alone when I go out. She knows what to do." Terran nodded. "We should leave soon"

Words : 1063

A/N: Do you want a longer chapter? Any relationships you want to happen? Any questions?

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