Chapter 5: Velleity

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Velleity: a wish not strong enough to warrant action

"The easiest thing to do is stitches," Luna said.

"Are you sure?" Sky mumbled, bouncing her leg. 

"Why would you care?" Ocean snapped, glaring at her.

Sky shrugged and bit her lip. 

"I've done it before, on myself," Terran said, looking up at  Apollo

 They then went their separate ways, spreading out throughout the camp. (A/N I'm sorry I don't know how to end that scene. I'm sorry in advance)

Sky sat at the edge of the camp, writing.

"What's that?" Ocean asked. 

Sky jumped and muttered "A letter"

"About what? Our location?" Ocean snatched the paper, glancing at it, not really reading the words. "I knew you, traitor"

Sky held her head high as her lip trembled. "no" she whispered. But when he looked at the paper again to read it, she stood and reached to snatch the letter out of his hand. He wasn't much taller than her, but he kept it out of reach.

"Ocean, give it back!"

"Not until I know you aren't giving away our location"

"I WOULDN'T"  Sky shouted

"I DON'T KNOW THAT" Ocean yelled back.

Sky flicked her wrists, and magic appeared. "I will get that letter back"

"use magic and Apollo will know"

"Apollo can be reasoned with"

"And I can't?"

"You came over here to snatch the letter I was writing and call me a traitor so... yeah"

They were lucky, at the edge of the camp, only a few people heard. 

"If you don't want me to read it, tell me what it is"


"Then I'll just have to read it" he smiled at her. It was fake, so bluntly fake.

As he held the letter up Sky said "It's to my mom" Ocean paused.

"She always wants to know if there's a secret mission. Every other mission she knew where I was going. Not this time. I'm not telling her the location, just that I'm safe" Sky spoke quickly.

Ocean stared her down, thrust the letter back into her hands, and walked away. He stayed close but kept an eye on her while talking to Apollo.

Sky put her head in her hands and sighed. 

A/N You don't know how many times I've almost killed Ocean off bc of this kind of bs

That night as Terran was walking toward his tent he slipped.

Sky came running up and said, "Are you okay?"

Terran fired up and said, "Sky I don't need you to protect me!"

"Fine. I just want to help. If you don't want it fine." Sky backed down, looking hurt.

"No, I don't. Yes, you saved me but I can get on my own. I don't need you" At this Sky fired up.

"I know you don't. I know you don't even want me. But I've screwed up, Terran. This entire thing is my fault" she sighed and continued on "I feel like what happened to you is my fault. I'm trying to make this right."

"Maybe you're right. Maybe it is your fault." With that Terran turned on his heel and walked away. It was uneven, grimacing every time he put weight on the left side.

When they met the next morning with the group it was like nothing happened. At the back of the camp was the medical tent. It was about the same size as the main tent and was the only other tent with wood floors. a table lined one side

A/N this is a basic blueprint I made, Ik it's not great

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A/N this is a basic blueprint I made, Ik it's not great. Where the rug is, is where the tent opens. The tent flaps are usually open. If more beds are needed they put more beds in other nearby tents.

"Do you want to do it yourself?" Luna asked, awkwardly.

"Yeah, it's probably best" Terran sighed, running a hand through his hair 

Luna shrugged "You know yourself best."

 Hoshi cracked his knuckles and said, "Are you sure you want us to be here?"

"You can stay if you want" Terran said, trying to look like he didn't care. Everyone caught the look of desperate need on his face.

Luna took out a bottle and poured the liquid over the needle. She handed it over to Terran, with dental floss.

"What was that?" Ocean asked.

"Whiskey, to clean the needle," Luna said, simply

"Do I want to ask why you have a flask of whiskey?" Terran asked, trying to defuse the awkward aurora of the room

"Probably not" Apollo replied.

Terran cleaned the cuts and threaded the needle. He gently (or as gently as you could) pushed the sides of the cut together, and ran the needle through his skin. He inhaled sharply through his teeth (A/N I did some research on this, not sure how accurate this next part will be)

He did the first stitch, tied a knot, and cut off the floss, whimpering in pain. Then he ran the needle through his skin again. This time, his hands shook. 

"You sure you don't want someone else to do it?" Apollo questioned.

"No" he mumbled through gritted teeth "I've done it before"

"That doesn't make it any less painful," Luna said softly. He cut off the edge of the floss and looked up.

"I want to do this myself, okay? Yeah I know it hurts like hell but I need to do it" Terran said sharply. 

"Okay, was just asking," Apollo said, stepping back.

"No, sorry I shouldn't have snapped," he said. Luna took the needle and handed him a cloth. Terran gently wiped the blood away from the cut. He cursed under his breath and look at Luna

"Did you pour whiskey on this?" he questioned.

"Yeah" Luna shrugged.

Five more stitches later, he finally slumped back, tired. 

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